Contents |
Overview |
Salvation's Gift Is Like A Card; You Have To Activate |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) These gift cards are in amounts, of money, a reward.
To be used there for a gift, that one could not afford.
But, there is an expiration, when usage too late.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
3) For the card recipient, the card's cost is free.
The purchaser did pay the cost, the buyer didn't see.
Yet, the feelings of one's joy, therein can be great.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
4) Like a gift card, is Salvation, there in Jesus Christ.
To pay the cost of our sin debt, He paid a huge price.
Redemption's Plan, before The Earth, that He did create.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
5) On The Cross, Christ paid sin's debt, no one could afford.
Defeated sin and death for all, Our Saviour, King, and Lord.
The Only Way To Heaven There, once you end life's slate.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
6) Yet some folks are arrogant, and in their pride, refuse.
A Gift Card, or Salvation, for Gentiles or for Jews.
Available, not automatic, it's your choice, to state.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
7) Whether one is young or old, either adult or youth.
Repentance, and belief on Christ, and The Gospel Truth.
But, after moment of one's death; redemption, it's too late.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
8) Salvation in Christ is a Gift; it can't be earned, or bought.
No matter what you do in life, or with good deeds, brought.
Your righteousness as filthy rags, no good you can create.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
9) One is saved by Grace Through Faith, not of works to boast.
Those who choose to reject Christ, they will regret it most.
Worse than falling through thin ice, as you there, do skate.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
10) Your card to Heaven waits for you; and you must there, repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
Tomorrow promised to no one, and it could be too late.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
11) Yet, God is a Gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
At death, it's either Christ or you; your sin debt, to pay.
Eternal joy or torment there, one will be your fate.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.
12) Don't let Salvation's Gift for you, there remain unclaimed.
In repentant, contrite prayer, call on Jesus' Name.
Then at death or rapture there, eternity is great.
Salvation's Gift is like a card; you have to activate.