Contents |
Overview |
Just Like At Babel Long Ago, Mankind Tries Again |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
In battle against The Lord, he feels he can win.
The universe is God's creation, all under His Rules.
Those who say ''There is no God'', the Lord calls them ''fools''.
3) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
God sees the color of your heart, not color of your skin.
The Gospel is for all mankind, Gentiles and the Jews.
While available to all, salvation, each must choose.
4) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Only one true Gospel there, not with mankind's spin.
One is saved by grace through faith, not of works to boast.
If you choose to reject Christ, you will regret it most.
5) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Into Heaven, you can't ride, on coattails of your kin.
At least one chance is given there, to hear the Gospel Truth.
But, everyone must make the choice, both adults and youth.
6) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
You can't say your sins were done by your evil twin.
A life on trial, all will face, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
7) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
The guilt for your whole sin debt, on others, you can't pin.
You will answer for yourself in everything you've done.
In judgment before Jesus Christ, God's Precious only Son.
8) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
First there, in the house of God, judgment must begin.
Since the saved are disciplined, where does that leave the lost??
No one can pay their sin debt, for it's a huge cost.
9) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
One heartbeat away from death, the line is so thin.
Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die today.
At your death, it's you or Christ, your sin debt to pay.
10) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Sin deadlier than the effects, than drunkenness from gin.
Compared to this life on Earth, eternity won't end.
Christ can be your worst nightmare, or forever friend.
11) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
The world views the truly saved, as in the looney bin.
They feel The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and dumb.
Yet, Christ will turn no one away, from Him, all those who come.
12) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
At Judgment Of The Great White Throne, the screams above the din.
The unsaved now terrified, salvation is too late.
They see that The Lake Of Fire, their eternal fate.
13) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
For the saved, at Bema Seat, Christ won't consider sin.
Works for Christ, these are gold, silver, precious stones.
Works for self, are wood, hay, stubble; burned up at that Throne.
14) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Sin rises like skyscrapers, and with bread, the leaven.
God's standard is perfection, none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
15) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Without repentance, faith in Christ, you won't be let in.
To Heaven, only for the Saved, who've done what God requires.
For the Lost, the flames of Hell, then the Lake of Fire.
16) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Judgment from God is far worse, than hit on the chin.
Everything you've ever done, open or concealed.
All thoughts, motives, words, and deeds; will there, be revealed.
17) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
God doesn't look at your outside, but at your heart within.
For the one thing God requires,''Believe on Christ, He sent''.
And there, from your life of sin, you must there, repent.
18) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Before God, no question of, all your guilt, therein.
No pardons, mercy, or appeal, at The Great White Throne.
You're cast into The Lake of Fire, as one He's never known.
19) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
With mankind's iniquity, God's Patience wearing thin.
Sooner more than later there, God's Judgment, it will fall.
After death, it's too late, on Christ there, to call.
20) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Until you die, God's invitation, it is still open.
Yet, God is a Gentleman, He won't make you choose.
Salvation, it's your choice; to take, or refuse.
21) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
Only Christ, lived earthly life, without a single sin.
He took the sins of all mankind, as if they were his own.
Crucified, then rose again, now seated on His Throne.
22) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
All things he does without Christ, he will never win.
When one repents, and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord,
Fellowship with them and God, it is now, restored.
23) Just like at Babel long ago, mankind tries again.
At death, it is Christ, or you, to pay your cost of sin.
Your decision, there for Christ, solely yours to make.
Deals with the devil there, you'll see they're all fake.