I Don't Want My Name In Lights, But Book Of Life, Therein<p>

I Don't Want My Name In Lights, But Book Of Life, Therein

I Don't Want My Name In Lights, But Book Of Life, Therein

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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I Don't Want My Name In Lights, But Book Of Life, Therein

I Don't Want My Name In Lights, But Book Of Life, Therein

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Many in the world today, strive for success and fame.
They feel that if you're on top, you have won the game.
He who dies with the most toys; the game of life, does win.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

2) Stardom, riches, being famous, and loved there by all.
To satisfy their selfish pride, it is their life's call.
What they fail to realize, the cost of all their sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

3) They will sell their soul to Satan, to get what they desire.
But, that costs, eternally...in The Lake Of Fire.
The torment will never end, once it does begin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

4) Before foundation of the world, redemption's plan conceived.
Eternal joy for every soul, who on Christ, believed.
He would take upon Himself, the burden of all sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

5) First, the covering cherub there;, Lucifer then, fell.
In selfish pride, conned one third, of angels, to his spell.
In a battle against God, he felt he could win.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

6) Hell and then The Lake Of Fire, created for all these.
Going against all God said, doing what they pleased.
Creation was perfect until, sin there, entered in.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

7) In form of a serpent there, Satan went to work.
Eve fell for the Devil's lie, inquity did lurk.
Paradise lost when they both, did the act of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

8) Cain, the first born, killed Abel, his brother, in a rage.
Violence on full display, there on the world's stage.
Evil spreading far and wide, with its wicked spin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

9) God was grieved, that He made man, decided to restart.
Noah found grace in God's eyes; was pure in his heart.
God would send a worldwide flood, to deal with the sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

10) God commanded Noah to, there build a huge Ark.
Only eight souls hearts were not, filled with sin so dark.
Noah's family, animals, all aboard; The Lord shut them in.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

11) A week passed, then Judgment Flood, came upon the world.
All outside the Ark there, drowned; as the water, hurled.
But all those inside the Ark, they were safe, within.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

12) After forty days had passed, the flooding rain did cease.
The Ark on Mount Ararat, those inside, released.
God promised never to destroy, the Earth, by flood again.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

13) On the plains of Shinar there, Nimrod built a tower.
To protect from future flood, and there from God's Power.
God confused the languages, the nations did begin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

14) Joseph's brothers were enraged by the dreams he'd seen.
They sold him into slavery; their evil deeds, so mean.
But, God would use him mightily, not destroyed by sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

15) In prison on a fake rape charge, at start of a day.
That night, second in command, to what Pharoah would say.
Preparations for a famime, there would soon begin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

16) Seven good years on Egypt, then seven famine years.
Starvation was for many folks, their realistic fears.
All around would come to Joseph, even all his kin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

17) What was meant for evil there, for good, God did use.
Joseph knew obeying God, it was what he'd choose.
He'd live his life there serving God, avoiding acts of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

18) Then, the Jews did multiply, new Pharoah, terrified.
Afraid he would lose his power, in his selfish pride.
Declared all male newborns killed, when they were born, therein.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

19) Moses rescued in a bulrush, by Pharoah's daughter, there.
Later in life, he'd see there, what God had prepared.
From a burning bush, God spoke, to Moses, therein.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

20) When Moses said to Pharoah, ''God says 'Let My People Go'''.
Pharoah refused, saying that ''This God, I do not know''.
So, the judgments of ten plagues, there would soon, begin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

21) Water turned to blood, then frogs, then dust turned to lice.
Boils on Egyptians there, life was not so nice.
Cattle died from anthrax there, swarms of flies, therein.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

22) Hailstorms, then locust swarms, destroyed all the crops.
Darkness covered all the land, but judgment wouldn't stop.
Passover, the final plague, it would soon begin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

23) The Jews instructed, there by God, Passover Lamb, to kill.
On the doorpost lintels there, its blood would be spilled.
To those without the Blood applied, death would enter in.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

24) Pharoah commanded Moses, and all of the Jews, to flee.
Then, his pursuing army were all drowned, there in the Red Sea.
When the battle is The Lord's, He always will win.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

25) Moses got Commandments Ten, there on Mount Sinai.
The Jews built a golden calf, and many there, would die.
Wandering for forty years, for their act of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

26) The Lord told Israel, He'd protect them; and their lives, He'd bless.
Only if they followed Him, not pagan, sinful mess.
But, they turned away from God, time and time again.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

27) Four hundred years would pass when God, didn't say a Word.
The Jews turned worship into ritual, things that were absurd.
John The Baptist, came and called, all to repent, from sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

28) ''Prepare The Way Of The Lord, And Make His Paths Straight''.
''Repent Of Sin, and turn to God, before it is too late''.
Christ had come to die for all, to pay the cost of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

29) Creator of the Universe, in manager, Virgin Born.
Herod and the Sanhedrin, held Christ, in contempt, scorn.
They were all so blinded there, by their prideful sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

30) Christ said ''I'm The Truth, The Life, and Heaven's Only Way''.
Yet, one of His Own, Judas; would there, Christ, betray.
Silver, thirty pieces there, the cost of this sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

31) In Garden Of Gethsemane, Christ prayed in agony.
Yet, He knew this was The Plan, to die for you and me.
He'd be scourged and crucified, then would rise again.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

32) When Christ arose that Sunday morn, victory, complete.
Satan and his demon hordes, in total defeat.
Christ's shed Blood would wash away, any tinge of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

33) After forty days, Christ there, to Heaven, would ascend.
All who would believe on Him, He'd be eternal friend.
At Pentcost, the Spirit came, like rushing mighty wind.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

34) The jailer there asked Paul and Silas, how he could be saved.
''Believe on Christ, who lived, and died, and rose up from the grave''.
The one thing that God did require; to Heaven, these let in.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

35) Christians persecuted, killed, by unrepentant souls.
Satan thinks he's winning there, but God's In Control.
The saved believed that Christ, one day, there would come again.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

36) At Church Age end, Rapture Trumpet, peals from the sky.
The dead and Christ, and those alive, rise up to never die.
Free from burdens of this life, and the curse of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

37) From Pentecost to Rapture there, now at Bema Seat.
All those who belived on Christ, redemption complete.
Together now with all the saved, the victory, all win.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

38) The Time Of Jacob's Trouble there, Hell for seven years.
Twenty-one plagues on The Earth, all mankind's worst fears.
At the end of all this time, Christ does come, again.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

39) Satan and the world's armies, see Christ in the sky.
None of these will there repent; they curse God, and die.
With just a Word, all these destroyed, for their act of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

40) The Antichirst, False Prophet too, cast in The Lake Of Fire.
Satan bound a thousand years, for evil desire.
The Mount Of Olives is now split, by Christ's Feet, therein.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

41) The Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, then Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, is finally released.
Life as it was meant to be, as Eden was, within.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

42) One last rebellion, it is launched, when Satan is unbound.
But, their efforts, they do not, there get off the ground.
The rebels all consumed by fire, real torment does begin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

43) Now, Satan cast to final doom, there in The Lake Of Fire.
A murderer there from the start, and a total liar.
He joins the Beast and False Prophet, still alive, therein.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

44) The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, a most somber day.
The Grace Of God is over now, and it's too late to pray.
The lost see, that it's too late, to be born again.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

45) No guilt question, pardon, mercy, or appeal there.
All damned for eternity, judgment is not spared.
In Book Of Life, none of these souls, are there written in.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

46) Unsaved compelled to bow before Christ, there upon His Throne.
Then cast into The Lake Of Fire, as ones He's never known.
They will pay eternally, the debt cost of their sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

47) Present Earth and Heaven set abalze, there in fervent heat.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, perfect and complete.
It won't rise a second time, appearance of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

48) At least one chance is given there, to hear the Gospel Truth.
The Gospel is for all mankind, both adults and youth.
One day, my heart was pricked there, to repent of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

49) Humbled and in awe, I prayed, there to Christ The Lord.
I saw His Word was sharper than any two edged sword.
''Please forgive me, cleanse me now, there from all my sin''.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

50) I chose to believe on Christ, the one thing God required.
His Precious Blood would keep me from eternal Lake Of Fire.
No condemnation before Him; I'm now seen without sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

51) Still sin nature here on Earth, when to Christ, I confess.
And repent, He forgives me, and my life, He'll bless.
I know at death or rapture there, my home will be Heaven.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

52) Treasures not stored here on Earth, but in Heaven's sky.
Service done there for The Lord; rewards there, on high.
Loving Christ's appearing there, a crown there, I will win.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

53) Gold, silver, precious stones, works done for Christ, inspired.
Wood, hay, and stubble there, the sins now cleansed by fire.
In Heaven; no death, crying, pain, or sin, ever again.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

54) When I stand before The Lord, Christ Jesus, God's Own Son.
I want to hear ''Good, faithful servant; you have there, well done''.
As I praise Him forevermore, He paid my cost of sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

55) Most reject Christ, go to Hell, the moment that they die.
Believing remnant, in Heaven, will never say goodbye.
Will you accept or reject Christ?? It's your choice, therein.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

56) It's appointed all to die, then judgment awaits.
After death, belief on Christ, eternally too late.
At death, it's either Christ or you, to pay for all your sin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

57) God's Standard Is Perfection there, none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
If you spurn Christ, into Heaven, you won't be let in.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

58) Yet, God is a Gentleman; He will let each soul choose.
Where they spend eternity, Gentiles or the Jews.
According to the Scriptures, Christ, died and rose again.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

59) Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die today.
All who truly come to Christ, He will not turn away.
Believe on The True Gospel There, not on mankind's spin.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

60) Your eternal home depends, on choice that you do make.
Deals with the Devil there, eternally, are fake.
Satan's on the losing side; with Christ, you will win.
I don't want my name in lights, but Book Of Life, therein.

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