Life In Prison, No Parole, And Death Penalty<p>

Life In Prison, No Parole. And Death Penalty

Life In Prison, No Parole, And Death Penalty

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Life In Prison, No Parole, And Death Penalty

Life In Prison, No Parole, And Death Penalty

Written By Daryl Stout

1) In court trials here on Earth, when convictions found.
Light to severe punishment, the range does abound.
From just a slap there on the wrist, to the max, you see.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

2) This usually is there reserved for most heinous crimes.
Those convicted of their deeds, surely do the time.
But the sentence, it is worse, in eternity.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

3) Some folks, there from punishment, they do get away.
Yet, they'll answer, for their deed, there on Judgment Day.
They thought they had beat the rap; but all, God did see.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

4) Their motives, words, plus thoughts, and deeds, though they were concealed.
As they stand before The Lord, The Truth is revealed.
At this point, it is too late, to cry for mercy.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

5) Mankind and the world detests that God, He made the rules.
So, they scream ''There is no God!!''; The Lord calls them ''fools''.
If they die without The Lord, forever agony.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

6) Most feel The Preaching Of The Cross is foolishness and dumb.
But, Christ will not turn away, all who humbly come.
For He paid our sin debt there, on that Rugged Tree.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

7) Yet, God is a Gentleman, He won't Force the choice.
To repent, accept the Lord, with His Loving Voice.
God can save, until they cross, into eternity.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

8) Tragically, all those in Hell, now ready to repent.
The one thing God requires is, Believe on Christ, He sent.
But, after death, belief too late, now they plainly see.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

9) At Judgment of The Great White Throne, a truly somber day.
The Grace Of God is over now, and it's too late to pray.
All the unsaved of mankind, their fate, all these, now see.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

10) From eternal Lake of Fire, No escape exists.
Since they chose to reject Christ, Heaven they have missed.
No guilt question, pardons, or appeals, there will be.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

11) Now compelled there, by the Truth, of God's Holy Word.
They bow before Christ, as their sentence, eternally, is heard.
"I never knew you", in their ears, for eternity.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

12) Eternal separation there from God, for all the Lost.
Never paying their sin debt, so huge is the cost.
Screams and pain, forevermore; no others they will see.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

13) Though they are dead, spiritually, they will never die.
They would not repent of sin, and to Christ, there cry.
They regret they spurned the Lord, for eternity.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

14) Satan and his demon hordes, want you, with them, to burn.
They don't want you to repent, and to Christ, there turn.
They want you to join them in eternal misery.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

15) Everyone can avoid this agonizing fate.
Repent of sin, Believe on Christ, before it is too late.
One day, all bow before Christ, there on bended knee.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

16) For all who believe on Christ, the one thing God requires.
Eternal joy is their reward, not the Lake Of Fire.
For the saved, this poem's title, it's void, completely.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

17) Salvation is for everyone, Gentiles and the Jews.
But each person, must decide, This Free Gift, to choose.
The believers all praise Christ, ''The Lamb, Who Died For Me''.
Freed from prison, were paroled, no Death Penalty.

18) Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die today.
At death, it is Christ or you; your sin debt, to pay.
You'll praise Christ, or curse yourself, for eternity.
Life in prison, no parole, and Death Penalty.

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