When The Quota Of The Church, Has Finally Been Reached<p>

When The Quota Of The Church, Has Finally Been Reached

When The Quota Of The Church, Has Finally Been Reached

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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When The Quota Of The Church, Has Finally Been Reached

When The Quota Of The Church, Has Finally Been Reached

Based On Romans 11:25

Written By Daryl Stout

1) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
To those responding to the Gospel, that faithfully, was preached.
From the day of Pentecost, to the rapture Day.
All who placed their faith on Christ, Heaven's only way.

2) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
The answer to all the prayers, To The Lord, beseeched.
To come quickly for His Own, the rapture does take place.
Closing of the Church Age there, and the Age of Grace.

3) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
One can't buy salvation there, as with a tick, there, leeched.
One is saved by grace through faith, not of works, to boast.
One's choice to reject The Lord, is one they'll regret most.

4) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
A flood of evil on the world, like a dam, there breached.
The fullness of the Gentiles there, finally has come in.
After rapture, God's Judgment, on Earth, does begin.

5) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
Life now like a bitter fruit, instead of sweet peach.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues; 21 in all.
Man can't stop these happenings, nor them, can he stall.

6) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
Life in Heaven, much better, than on an earthly beach.
The curse of sin, plus pain, and death, gone from Heaven's shore.
All the saved, praise Christ The Lord, hair forevermore.

7) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
For all who did turn to Christ, every soul, there, each.
Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in one's heart;
All things that God has prepared, for His Own, from the start.

8) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
Not stuck in eternity, like a whale, beached.
For all who believed on Christ, the one thing God required;
Eternity is happiness; and not the Lake of Fire.

9) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
Whether saved, or left behind, it affects their speech.
They will praise, or curse the Lord, depending on their choice;
They did accept, or did reject, The Lord's Precious Voice.

10) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
All those who with false doctrine, did instruct and teach;
Like going through the motions there, they'll be left behind.
As with all who chose to be spiritually blind.

11) When the quota of the church, has finally been reached.
Effects of rapture, will be on, every person's speech.
They'll have friends or family, gone without a trace.
Any sense of goodness now, gone from every place.

12) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
The end of all the witnessing, and of the outreach.
That occurred since Pentecost, up to the rapture Day.
Proclaimed into Heaven there; Christ, the only way.

13) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
Life will now seem backwards now, as in a birth, breech.
Good is evil, evil's good, mankind does proclaim.
Most of these will not repent, and call on Jesus' Name.

14) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
Almighty God says to Christ, in His Loving Speech.
''It's time. Sound My Trumpet. My Son, You can get Your Bride''.
Redemption is now at hand, that rapture does provide.

15) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
Without warning, just like lightning, striking on a beach.
The dead in Christ, will rise first, rocket to the sky.
Alive in Christ, they're changed in, twinkling of an eye.

16) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
Completed so quickly there, less than a second, reached.
By the time most realize, what has just occurred;
Panic is now in their speech, there with every word.

17) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
The Truth of God's Word, shown to all, in what it did teach.
Prophecies are now fulfilled, at a rapid pace.
As the Church Age is now done, and the Age of Grace.

18) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
For the saved, they praise Christ, in their words of speech.
Their faith has now become sight, redemption now complete.
In Heaven, they all now proceed, to Bema Judgment Seat.

19) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
Like a dam, that has just burst; evil flood, there breached.
The time of Jacob's trouble, Hell on Earth for seven years.
Many martyrd, or they die; hearts failing them for fear.

20) When the quota of the church is finally been reached.
Without accepting Christ as Lord, Heaven, you won't reach.
Your righteousness, as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

21) When the quotient of the church has finally been reached.
On to someone's coattails, you cannot, there reach.
Individually, each one, there must make the choice.
To accept, or there reject, The Lord's Loving Voice.

22) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
At least one chance given there, to hear the Gospel preached.
Those who have rejected Christ, and are left behind.
Very quickly, all of these, will there, lose their mind.

23) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
God knows the truth of all your thoughts, and your words of speech.
You're going through the motions there, or commitment's, true.
You can't fool The Lord, in what you think, say, and do.

24) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
Dying in your sin is worse, than whale on the beach.
Once eternity is crossed, you cannot be saved.
Without Christ, Hell's your fate, there beyond the grave.

25) When the quota of the church has finally been reached.
What will you do, with Gospel Truth, that to you, is preached??
Will you repent now of your sin, accepting Christ as Lord??
Or will you there turn away?? His Free Gift, ignored.

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