Imminent And Signless There, And Closer Than You Think<p>

Imminent And Signless There, And Closer Than You Think

Imminent And Signless There, And Closer Than You Think

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Imminent And Signless There, And Closer Than You Think

Imminent And Signless There, And Closer Than You Think

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
It will be completed faster, than your eyes can blink.
In a moment, rapture done, in twinkling of an eye.
All those in Christ, alive and dead, rocket to the sky.

2) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
All those who are left behind, all their hearts will sink.
Now they're ready to repent, but it is too late.
To be part of Christ's Bride, there; this fact, they do hate.

3) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
At your every deed of sin, The Lord does not wink.
Instead, He commands all souls, to now, there repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe on Christ, He sent''.

4) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
The stench of sin, evil there; worse than garbage stink.
Your righteousness as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

5) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
The world feels the Christians are, a bunch of stupid finks.
To them, The Preaching Of The Cross it's foolishness and dumb.
Yet, Christ will not turn away, all who humbly come.

6) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
If you do not know The Lord, your sins in Black ink.
In the Life book of your deeds, all will be made known.
When you stand before the Lord, at His Judgment Throne.

7) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
You think your armor is secure, but it's full of chinks.
Your sinful heart, there black as coal, full of evil pride.
With this, into Heaven there, you won't be let inside.

8) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
Divine Fellowship with God, with Christ, it's relinked.
Our sins are a barrier, between us and God.
Without perfection, into Heaven, we won't get the nod.

9) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
Into Heaven, you can't bring, things like earthly mink.
Just gold, silver, precious stones, works for Christ, inspired.
All others, wood, hay, stubble, burned away by fire.

10) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
Your sins are like a slippery slope, on icy skating rink.
Just one sin will keep your soul out of Heaven's place.
On Judgment Day, you'll be ashamed, when you see Christ's Face.

11) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
You think Heaven's owed to you, your life's in the pink.
If unsaved, at rapture there, you'll be left behind.
Joining all the others who are spiritually blind.

12) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
God knows all the sins you've done, and the words you think.
You'll answer only for yourself, there on Judgment Day.
At your desk, it's Christ, or you; your sin debt, to pay.

13) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
Trying to hide from the Lord, you as a snake, can't slink.
He knows you much better than, you there know yourself.
If you don't belong to Him, your life on the shelf.

14) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
The quickness of the rapture there, with no time to think.
Once fullness of Gentiles, it has there, come in.
Without Christ, you're left behind, with your deeds of sin.

15) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
Christ lived the life that we could not, without a sinful kink.
God's Standard is Perfection there, and none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

16) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
If you walk the plank of sin, you'll be in the drink.
After death, it is too late, to there, come to Christ.
For the saved are not their own; but bought with a Price.

17) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
All those who've accepted Christ, their life is in sync.
With Christ as Savior, and their Lord; they do what He commands.
All their sins, cleansed by His Blood, from His nail pierced Hands.

18) Imminent and signless there, and closer than you think.
Where you'll spend eternity, you must stop and think.
Heaven only for the saved; Hell for all the Lost.
At death, it is Christ, for you; to pay your sins cost.

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