Your Soul's Cost Is Priceless, There<p>

Your Soul's Cost Is Priceless, There

Your Soul's Cost Is Priceless, There

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Your Soul's Cost Is Priceless, There

Your Soul's Cost Is Priceless, There

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
You are pressured to sell it, from Satan's attack.
He'll give you anything in life, in exchange for it.
Eternal damnation yours, in that fiery pit.

2) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Many left their lives derail, there to the wrong track.
Like a train out of control, it speeds on ahead.
Those who sell their soul to Satan, spiritually dead.

3) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Though your ego is now full, with more than just a snack.
Any deal made with Satan, it is there, all fake.
You'll regret eternally, this choice that you make.

4) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Once it's done, no one will, there take up the slack.
If heart turned against The Lord, and you take The Mark.
Eternal torment will be yours, everlasting dark.

5) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Like the Tower of your sins, increasing its stack.
It will all come crashing down, the moment that you die.
After death, belief too late, and to Jesus, cry.

6) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Once the deed completed there, you cannot, backtrack.
Mankind belongs to Satan there, by their own free will.
Due to Adam's and Eve's sin, Precious Blood was spilled.

7) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
God's Standard is perfection there; it, mankind, does lack.
Only Christ, walked on this Earth, without a single sin.
God in flesh, He knew mankind, was rotten from within.

8) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Christ was scourged, and took The Cross, upon His bleeding back.
To shed his blood upon the Cross, to pay for mankind's sin.
In victory, on the third day, He would rise again.

9) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Pain worse than a spanking there, on your backside, whacked.
Punished for eternity if you die in sin.
No excuse before the Lord, there on your life's spin.

10) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Satan wants to steal your soul, just like computer hack.
The one way to resist Satan, is of your sin, repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe on Christ, He sent''.

11) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Without the Precious Blood Of Christ, your heart is evil, black.
Only cleansing by Christ's Blood, can wash your sins away.
At death, it's either Christ or you; your sin debt, to pay.

12) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
Satan will come after you, whether Jill or Jack.
He wants you to live your life, fulfilling sins desire.
Then, burn with him eternally, in the lake of fire.

13) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
The true Christians, from the world, get never ending flack.
To them, The Preaching Of The Cross, is foolishness and dumb.
Yet Christ, He will not turn away, all who humbly come.

14) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
With full armor of The Lord, without kink or crack.
You can resist the fiery darts, of Satan and his hordes.
And all who will not accept Jesus Christ as Lord.

15) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
When convicted of your sin, you're taken aback.
Before you die, you must make, a choice there, for Christ.
For the saved are not their own; but bought with a price.

16) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
If choosing Christ as Savior; you won't want to go back.
To your former life of sin, but you'll serve The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two-edged sword.

17) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
If sincere in prayer you made, you're on the right track.
Eternal Joy In Heaven There, awaits you when you die.
You'll praise Christ, forevermore, there in Heaven's sky.

18) Your soul's cost is priceless there; and you can't buy it back.
If at death, Christ's Blood there, on your soul, you lack.
You'll be fully terrified, there before His Throne.
And cast into the Lake of Fire, as one He's never known.

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