Heaven Only For Those Souls Truly Born Again<p>

Heaven Only For Those Souls Truly Born Again

Heaven Only For Those Souls Truly Born Again

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Heaven Only For Those Souls Truly Born Again

Heaven Only For Those Souls Truly Born Again

Written By Daryl Stout

1) If you're depending on good deeds, and your reputation.
As well as your church membership, with your explanation.
On why God should into Heaven, let your soul, come in.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

2) Your righteousness as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
To keep you out of Heaven there, it only takes one sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

3) Whether thought, motive, word, deed, that you there, have done.
Feeling that your life of sin, truly was more fun.
While mankind sees the outside; The Lord, sees within.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

4) Lip service isn't good enough, God knows if you're sincere.
Just going through the motions there, your outcome is clear.
At your death, eternal torment, it does just begin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

5) One mediator there between, God and all mankind.
Jesus Christ, God's Only Son; the sinless Lamb, to find.
The only soul to walk the Earth, without a single sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

6) ''My soul magnifies The Lord, my spirit does rejoice''.
''In God My Saviour'', Mary praised, The Lord, with her voice.
The Holy Spirit came on her, and Christ conceived, within.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

7) Even The Virgin Mary there, Christ's Mother on Earth.
She knew that to enter Heaven, she would need New Birth.
An offering of turtledoves, was made for her sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

8) The night before He was betrayed, His Disciples, told.
''I'll come again to take you Home, to the streets of gold''.
''Though I will be crucified, I will rise again''.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

9) On The Cross, The Son Of God, for mankind's sins, there died.
Christ's Earthly Mother, with Apostle John, there at her side.
John took Mary, to his home, to be with him, therein.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

10) With Christ, two thieves were crucified, on His Left and Right.
One cursed Him, the other saw, his sin was a blight.
Declared Christ was innocent; there of any sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

11) ''Lord, When To Your Kingdom Come, Please Remember Me''.
Repentance, belief, genuine...that The Lord, did see.
Into Paradise with Christ, this soul was let in.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

12) ''A slaughterhouse religion there'', when told about The Cross.
On it, Christ shed His Blood, died, to redeem the lost.
On The Third Day, Christ arose, defeating death and sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

13) "It Is Finished", Christ's Last Words, His Mission was done.
To give His Life a ransom there, our redemption, won.
For all those accepting Him, His Blood would cleanse their sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

14) One is saved by Grace Through Faith, and not of works, to boast.
If you choose to reject Christ, you will regret it most.
If on the side with Satan there, you cannot, there win.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

15) You cannot ride coattails there into eternity.
No matter if they are your friends, or your family.
At death, it is Christ or you, to pay your debt of sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

16) Feel good, ear tickling sermons; folks prefer to hear.
No talk about repentance, sin; their point is made clear.
If that's done, to your church, they won't come again.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

17) Belief On Christ, who God sent, the one thing He requires.
The only thing to keep your soul from The Lake Of Fire.
Every eye will see The Lord, when He comes again.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

18) Only Precious Blood Of Christ, will make your heart clean.
Mankind's heart is desperately, wicked, depraved, mean.
Since our first parents were deceived, everyone's in sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

19) God's Standard is Perfection there, none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, the King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
God knows all about you, friend; a lie there, you can't spin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

20) To the world, the Christians are a bunch of stupid fools.
The lost detest the fact that God, He did make The Rules.
They think that God will there, just wink at all of their sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

21) No athiests, agnostics, there, exist in Hell Fire.
It's too late for them to do, the one thing God required.
Waited too long to repent, for their life of sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

22) The unsaved, there terrified, at The Great White Throne.
They're cast to The Lake Of Fire, as ones He's never known.
Eternally, they'll pay the cost, of their whole life's sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

23) To the lost, The Preaching Of The Cross, is foolish, dumb.
Yet Christ, He will not turn away, all souls who humbly come.
With repentance, faith on Christ, they're cleansed of all their sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

24) Just The Believing Remnant there, will enter Heaven's space.
Repented and believed on Christ; received Amazing Grace.
For eternity, the saved, will enjoy Heaven.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

25) Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die, today.
To enter Heaven, Jesus Christ, He is The Only Way.
After death, it is too late, to make the choice, again.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

26) Yet, God is a Gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
"Your Will, Be Done", God will tell, you on Judgment Day.
If you rejected His Free Gift, preferring your sin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

27) Christ's Death and Resurrection is for every soul and nation.
No one shall escape if they neglect so great salvation.
You can't blame your sinful deeds, on your evil twin.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

28) Your eternal destiny, depends upon your choice.
To accept, or there, reject; The Lord's Loving Voice.
Die without The Lord, and into Hell, you'll enter in.
Heaven only for those souls truly born again.

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