The Testing Of The Lord

The Testing Of The Lord

The Testing Of The Lord
Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt with at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Testing Of The Lord

''The Testing Of The Lord''

Based on Matthew 4:7 and Malachi 3:10

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Putting God to the test, a foolish thing to do.
For it could end up being a fatal choice for you.
Mocking, daring God above, to go outside His Will,
Will kindle Divine Anger there, and you may be killed.

2) It all started long ago, when Lucifer rebelled.
The covering cherub, there cast out, and condemned to Hell.
A third of all the angels were by his lies deceived.
And they, with unrepentant souls, the Holy Spirit grieves.

3) When Christ fasted forty days, in the wilderness,
Satan tempted many ways, to join his evil mess.
But, it was God's Loving Plan, that Christ come to Earth;
His Death and Resurrection, to give the saved new birth.

4) Daring God to strike you dead in lightning from the sky.
Generated by thunderstorms, a tragic way to die.
Or mocking, spurning of His Grace, Christ's Death on The Cross,
Regretted there on Judgment Day; you'll stand before Him, lost.

5) Almighty God, Life's Giver, did all Creation make.
So, He Alone, Life's Author...the right of life to take.
By murder of your fellow man, or any other sin.
Keeps you out of Heaven, and fellowship with Him.

6) Putting off God's Spirit, His calling to your soul;
Thinking you have many days, to Him to give control.
Death comes without warning, and dying without Christ,
You'll be bankrupt, eternally; you can't pay sins price.

7) There is one place, in the Bible, an exception to this ban;
Bring all the tithes that you have, to His Storehouse Hand.
Prove Him there, and Heaven's blessings, there will you receive.
More than you have ever seen, amazing to believe.

8) So, in lifes greatest test, will you pass or fail??
In your place for your sin; Christ, to that Cross, was nailed.
Repent today, accept Christ now, bow before His Throne;
Reject Him, hear the words ''For You, I've Never Known''.

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