Contents |
Overview |
All Commands There From The Lord, Not Optional, There |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) First in Eden's Garden Home, before mankind fell.
Listening to Satan's lies, from The Pit Of Hell.
Only one restriction on, a life without care.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
3) God told Adam ''Of each Garden Tree, you may freely dine''.
''The Tree Of Knowledge, Good And Evil, that has crossed the line''.
God instructed Adam to, with helpmate, Eve, to share.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
4) God gave them one simple Rule, they only broke it once.
Eve deceived, it looked like Adam, there was total dunce.
Then The Lord confronted them, their sin was laid bare.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
5) Adam and his helpmate, Eve, now barred from Paradise.
Toil, illness, pain, and death; life was not so nice.
Life was now so difficult, full of woe and care.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
6) Cain killed his brother, Abel there, in rage and jealousy.
Just the start of evidence, of man's depravity.
When asked where his brother was, Cain said he didn't care.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
7) Wickedness soon filled the Earth, evil far and wide.
Activity against The Lord, there on every side.
Worldwide flood of judgment there; only eight, were spared.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
8) Sodom and Gomorrah both, with sinful quagmire.
Both completely were destroyed, by God's Divine Fire.
Only Lot and his two daughters, the only ones spared.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
9) Nimrod started building tower, to reach up to Heaven.
Evil nature of mankind, corrupted by sin's leaven.
God confused the languages, for all at Babel, there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
10) God called Abram there one day, to leave his homeland.
To go where God would lead him to; into The Promised Land.
God's Chosen People there, The Jews; He wanted them to share.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
11) God promised Abram his descendants, would be like stars appear.
But, Abram and his wife Sarai, were getting up in years.
Hagar, Sarai's handmaiden, bore Ishmael, there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
12) Very shortly after that, God changed both their names.
Now Abraham and Sarah there, things were not the same.
Isaac would be born to them; God's Promise was there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
13) God would then put Abraham to love's greatest test.
To sacrifice his only son; huge burden, at best.
At last second, ram provided, for sacrifice, there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
14) Later, Pharoah persecuted, for four hundred years.
God sent Moses to Pharoh...yet Pharoah had no fear.
Pharoah didn't know The Lord, of Him, he didn't care.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
15) So, The Lord sent down ten plagues, to pummel the land.
Passover would get Jews freedom, from oppressive hand.
In The Red Sea, Pharoah's army, all were drowned in there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
16) Moses up on Mount Sinai, to get Commandments Ten.
Majority of Jews rebelled, in orgiastic sin.
In anger, the tablets smashed; God's Wrath kindled, there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
17) They'd wander in the wilderness, then for forty years.
Until death made rebel souls, from Earth, disappear.
God instructed all the Jews, what He expected, there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
18) If they'd forsake the pagan idols, and serve The Lord each day.
He promised that He would bless them, keep them from harm's way.
Many times, the Jews went back, forsaking God, there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
19) So, God had them disciplined by all their enemies.
His Protection would return, after repentant pleas.
The enemies against The Lord, they could not prepare.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
20) The religious leaders there, corruption, there done.
The Messiah they wanted, it was not God's Son.
Yet, Christ came to live and die; salvation to share.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
21) On The Third Day, Christ arose, redemption now complete.
Satan and his demon hordes, suffered full defeat.
For Christ's Resurrection there, they were not prepared.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
22) Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, He's always the same.
If He changed, we'd be consumed, by His Divine Flame.
Soon, His Bride, THe Church Raptured, Meeting In The Air.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
23) After Rapture, Antichrist, on world's stage, appears.
Great Tribulation, Hell On Earth, there for seven years.
Most of mankind, Earth destroyed, judgment everywhere.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
24) Just before The Lord returns, the remnant of the Jews.
Mourn, repenting for past sin; Messiah, they refused.
Now, He comes to rescue them, victory now there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
25) The Beast and False Prophet cast into The Lake Of Fire.
Satan and his demons bound, into the pit quagmire.
Ravaged Earth is now restored, Paradise to share.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
26) With a rod of iron there, Christ, the nations, rules.
All those who rejected Him, cast away as fools.
Life as it was meant to be, with the joy to share.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
27) At end of Millennium, Satan is released.
Fire destroys the rebels, sin, forever ceased.
At Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all unsaved, are there.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
28) No guilt question, pardon, mercy, or hint of appeal.
Their whole lives are played back there, everything revealed.
Since they chose to spurn The Lord, judgment is not spared.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
29) Since all these refused to do the One Thing God required.
They will spend eternity in The Lake Of Fire.
They'll regret eternally; of Christ, they didn't care.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
30) God creates a New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem.
Any trace of evil, sin, will not appear again.
For all of the redeemed souls, eternal joy, prepared.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
31) Before foundation of the world, Redemptions Plan in Place.
What each one would choose to do, with God's Amazing Grace.
Sets their home eternally; joy or doom, prepared.
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.
32) God wants none to die in sin, but all souls to repent.
The One Thing God requires is ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
Will you rest there in Christ's Arms; or fall in Satan's lair??
All commands there from The Lord, not optional, there.