If Christ Is Not Your Savior; Then, He'll Be Your Judge<p>

If Christ Is Not Your Savior; Then, He'll Be Your Judge

If Christ Is Not Your Savior; Then, He'll Be Your Judge

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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If Christ Is Not Your Savior; Then, He'll Be Your Judge

If Christ Is Not Your Savior; Then, He'll Be Your Judge

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Every soul from Adam's day through Millennium.
Will give account for all their life, each act and then some.
No question of one's guilt; with God, one cannot fudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

2) There is one appointment there, that each soul, will keep.
When you stand before The Lord, you'll rejoice, or weep.
God's Holy Spirit, in each life, to each heart, does nudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

3) Before foundation of the world, Redemption's Plan in place.
Christ would live, die, rise again; in God's Amazing Grace.
To pay the sin debt of mankind, who with God, was grudged.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

4) At least one chance is given there, to hear The Gospel Truth.
Salvation for Jews and Gentiles, for adults and youth.
Without Christ, Heaven's Denied, even with one sin smudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

5) God's Standard is Perfection, and none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
Though Earthly life is difficult, with sins burden, drudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

6) Unsaved souls resent the fact that God, He made The Rules.
So, they cry ''There Is No God''; The Lord calls them ''Fools''.
Sadly, unrepentant souls, with God, they hold a grudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

7) Mankind is stiff necked, and stubborn, in how he behaves.
Most won't believe Christ lived, and died, and rose up from the grave.
From their stand of unbelief, they choose not to budge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

8) Your righteousness as filthy rags, there before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
All your sin, iniquity, like filthy, oily sludge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

9) Mankind thinks that ''God Is Love'', and He'll wink at sin.
But, to enter Heaven there, one must be born again.
God's Attributes, most of mankind, tragically, misjudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

10) God declares that ''In My House, Judgment Must Begin''.
Seeing God judging the saved, He will judge those in sin.
You can't fool The Lord, my friend, with compromised kludge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

11) Whether at the Bema Seat, or at Great White Throne.
Did you place your faith on Christ, for sin to atone??
If you die without The Lord, eternal doom, long trudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

12) The Lord did not want robots, He gave mankind free will.
What you did with Precious Blood, that Christ there, did spill.
The only thing to wash away, all sins taint and smudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

13) But, God is a Gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
At your death, it's Christ or you; your sin debt to pay.
Will you forsake your selfish pride?? From it, there, to budge??
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

14) If you die without The Lord, it's the eternal crime.
Sinner, seek The Lord today, while you still have time.
No excuses, alibis, for your life, to fudge.
If Christ is not Your Saviour; then He'll be Your Judge.

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