Contents |
Overview |
In Your Quiet Time, Be Still; There To Hear The Lord |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based On Psalms 46:10 and 1 Kings 19:12
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Fourteen hundred forty minutes, to all souls each day.
When it comes to Godly things, our sin gets in the way.
It's like the Precious Time with God, therein, is ignored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
3) Let The Lord God there, be true; and every man, a liar.
The Lord is not found in the wind, or in the raging fire.
But, there in the still small voice; riches there, explored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
4) The effectual fervent prayer, of righteous souls, mean much.
We bring our cares to The Lord; He wants to stay in touch.
He knows all about us there, even secrets stored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
5) It's spelled out, ''Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth''.
The word ''B.I.B.L.E.'', acronym; for those who have New Birth.
From Genesis to Revelation, History's full score.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
6) It's hard to discipline yourself, into a new routine.
But, quiet time there with The Lord; the joy to be seen.
Quiet Time you spend with Him, you will not be bored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
7) Seven days without prayer time, you're spiritually weak.
God wants you, with all your heart, to Him, daily seek.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
8) While the daily cares of life, tempt you to curtail time.
You can't fool The Lord, my friend; though actions are sublime.
While Christ is Your Savior, there; He wants to be Your Lord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
9) Going through the motions there, is not the thing to do.
Nor quenching of the Spirit there, with the sins, you do.
Lip service isn't good enough, in service to The Lord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
10) As a beggar full of holes, or dressed royally.
On how we served The Lord on Earth, sets our eternity.
In Heaven, all the saved praise Christ, there in one accord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
11) God sees all the skeletons in our closets there.
Secretive or open sins, all act as a snare.
All these things, spiritually; they should be deplored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
12) The chief of sinners, I feel myself; every day, with shame.
That I've missed that quiet time, and I'm the one to blame.
At Bema Seat, I'll give account, there before The Lord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
13) While I've let him speak to me, in poems for Him, I've penned.
A talent that I had before, I was born again.
The count of the poetry there, in total, has soared.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
14) All the talents, gifts, I have, I don't do on my own.
I'll present these to The Lord, there before His Throne.
At Bema, rewards gained and lost; that can't be ignored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
15) While the Precious Blood Of Christ, cleanses all my sin.
Before and after that moment, when I was born again.
License to serve, and not to sin; life before The Lord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
16) In sea of forgetfulness, where sins of the saved, lie.
When we repent, confess our sin, to Him, in humble cry.
For the saved at the Bema Seat; their sins are ignored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
17) God asks His Children every day, ''Do You Have Time For Me??''.
It seems we're undisciplined, act of futility.
History or prophecy, God's Word can't be ignored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
18) When you do that quiet time, with The Lord each day.
Although He knows all your needs, before a word, you say.
His blessings and care revealed; you will be so floored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
19) He sticks closer than a brother, and is a Friend For Life.
To help you deal with the troubles, and with sin and strife.
Like an eagle in the clouds, you will have there, soared.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
20) The Lord knocks at our hearts door; He wants to come inside.
A new creation, there in Christ; forgetting selfish pride.
Start small with that time each day; you'll find that you want more.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
21) The words are so inadequate, to say ''Thanks'' to Christ.
For the saved are not their own, but bought with a price.
God wants mankind to repent; His Wish there, implored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
22) Convicted of our sin each day, when we there, confess.
When we repent, forgiveness shown; we are truly blessed.
When we're honest with The Lord; fellowship restored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
23) The distractions of our lives, we need to set aside.
Trust your whole life to The Lord; let Him there, preside.
With Him, you won't be strangled there, by sin's tempting cord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
24) Why confess sins to a priest?? A sinner, just like you.
He there could do blackmail, on the sins, you do.
One mediator between God, and Man, it's Christ The Lord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
25) There's none righteous on the Earth, all have turned away.
From The Lord, to their own sins, each and every day.
It seems all against The Lord, there in one accord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
26) God's Standard Is Perfection there, and none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
The only way to Heaven there, is through Christ The Lord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
27) Most detest the fact that God, therein made The Rules.
So, they cry ''There Is No God''; and God calls them ''Fools''.
For all those rejecting Him, He'll give them their reward.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
28) At least one chance is given there, to hear The Gospel Truth.
Salvation, a free gift to all, both adults and youth.
The most important thing you'll ever do; decision for The Lord.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
29) If by faith, you believe Christ, lived, died, rose from the grave.
All calling on The Name Of Christ; in faith, shall be saved.
Your prayer for Christ to save your soul, it won't be ignored.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.
30) No other Name but Jesus there, how we can be saved.
Virgin Born, He lived, and died; and rose up from the grave.
Decision honored, if God's Gift, you choose to ignore.
In your quiet time, be still, there to hear The Lord.