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Overview |
Hell And Lake Of Fire Meant For Satan And His Hordes |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based On Matthew 25:41
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
The righteousness and purity, of God, were ignored.
He deceived one third of angels, to join in a coup.
A liar, killer from the start; deceit is what he'd do.
3) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
The fact he was not in charge, Lucifer, deplored.
The deadliest sin, it was first, there of selfish pride.
Started down in darkened heart, way down deep inside.
4) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Ever since their banishment, resentment has been stored.
Down through six millenia, of human history.
They want a ton of souls with them, for eternity.
5) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
For The Lord, He Made The Rules, and it was underscored.
He warned Adam, directly; on that day, he'd die.
If he ate from certain tree, though pleasing to the eye.
6) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
In form of a serpent, there, sin like rope noose cord.
Deceived Eve and Adam there, and Paradise was lost.
They broke the one rule that God gave; an expensive cost.
7) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Payment there for their mistake, they could not afford.
Fig leaves for their nudity, not good enough for God.
Shedding of innocent blood, where God gave the nod.
8) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Once this payment there was done, fellowship restored.
Without shedding of Blood there, no remission done.
Foreshadow of on The Cross, of Jesus Christ, God's Son.
9) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
New ways of iniquity, mankind had explored.
Wickedness spread far and wide; grieved God at His Heart.
Decided He would send Great Flood, and make brand new start.
10) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Yet, Noah found grace in the, Eyes there of The Lord.
God commanded Noah there, to prepare an Ark.
Mankind ridiculed this craft, as their hearts so dark.
11) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
In music cacophony, dissonant, the chords.
In one hundred twenty years, the Ark would take shape.
Unmistakable sight there, across the landscape.
12) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
The strangulation power there, of sin across the board.
It had never rained on Earth; a flood, most thought absurd.
Only eight would heed the warnings, from God, they had heard.
13) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Then, animals, in groups of two, all did come aboard.
Mankind laughed at mocked at Noah, preferring their sin.
Seven days before the rain, God did shut him in.
14) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
All those who were left outside, warnings had ignored.
The rain and storms would inundate all of the dry ground.
Everyone who stayed outside, all quickly, were drowned.
15) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Forty days and nights of rain, torrentially, it poured.
Noah's family, and all, animals inside.
Were safe in the refuge that, The Lord did provide.
16) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
After all the flooding rain, dry weather was restored.
All exited the Ark, and saw, the rainbow in the cloud.
Flooding of all Earth again, God said ''it's not allowed''.
17) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
On the Plains Of Shinar there, God's Words were ignored.
Nimrod built a tower there, and things would soon change.
Babel, due to languages, that God did arrange.
18) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Death for all their acts of sin, was mankind's reward.
Sodom and Gomorrah there, destroyed by God's Fire.
Only three survived the judgment, of wicked quagmire.
19) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
God's Chosen People, there, the Jews; many times, ignored;
The ways that God had given there, preferring pagan deeds.
They preferred the ways of sin, in their daily creed.
20) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
God's Warnings from Moses, there; Pharoah had ignored.
It took ten plagues from Heaven there, before the Jews were freed.
''You, and all the Jews, get out!!'' Pharoah would there, plead.
21) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Pharoah's army chased the Jews, there in one accord.
Moses said that God Himself, would give the victory.
All of Pharoah's armies drowned, there in the Red Sea.
22) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Teachings that The Lord did give, the Jews had ignored.
While Moses was on Mount Sinai, to get Commandments Ten.
The Jews did build a golden calf, in orgy of sin.
23) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Engaged in pagan revelry, the Jews there, did hoard.
Moses smashed the stone tablets, that God had given him.
Judgment fell on all the souls, engaged in evil sin.
24) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Reports from Joshua and Caleb, the Jews there, ignored.
The Jews wandered aimlessly, in their selfish pride;
For forty years, in wilderness, until complainers died.
25) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
A second set of tablets there, God made, and restored.
But, many times, the Jews would not, by God's Rules, there live.
God being The Righteous Judge; punishment, did give.
26) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
More often than not, the Jews, God's Rules, were ignored.
So, He let their enemies cast them from the land.
Until they would there repent, and do God's Command.
27) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
The Jews would not let the land rest, spoken by The Lord.
For the land to lie fallow, every seven years.
Babylon Captivity, judgment did appear.
28) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Four hundred ninety years would pass, the land then restored.
The first temple was destroyed, rebuilt after return;
Of the Jews from exile; but they didn't learn.
29) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Once again for many years, God's Rules were ignored.
Four hundred years would pass, where God, didn't say a Word.
To His Chosen People there, judgment had occurred.
30) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
In the fullness there of time, Redemption from The Lord.
Christ would come to live and die, upon a rugged Cross.
Shed His Blood, for all mankind, to redeem the lost.
31) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Satan and his demons thought they had beat The Lord.
When Christ died, they thought that victory for them, complete.
The resurrection, it assured, Satan's full defeat.
32) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Christ would pay the huge sin debt, man could not afford.
For believing remnant there, who'd believe on Christ.
They knew they were not their own; but bought with a price.
33) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
On The Day Of Pentecost, God's Spirit, was outpoured.
Three thousand souls saved at the start, of the Age Of Grace.
Forgiveness for all who'd repent, and seek The Lord's Face.
34) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Far more would spurn God's Love Gift, given by The Lord.
Gid would give all of these over, to reprobate mind.
For they all chose there to be, spiritually blind.
35) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Sin's wages, were twofold death, for mankind's reward.
Physically, then spiritually, serving sin's desires.
All these would first go to Hell, then The Lake Of Fire.
36) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
In year seventy, A.D., Romans in one accord.
Destroyed the Temple and murdered, scores of all the Jews.
Christ as their Messiah, there; most of them, refused.
37) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
At the Rapture of The Church, judgments now outpoured.
Seals, Trumpets, Bowls, in plagues, numbered twenty-one.
On mankind who did reject, God's Precious Only Son.
38) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
A covenant with Antichrist, The Temple, was restored.
Three and one half years later, the Antichrist, would break;
This treaty for seven years; his ''peace'' was all fake.
39) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
The peak of mankind's rebellion, displayed across the board.
The Antichrist, and False Prophet, The Beast's deadly mark.
Damned all those who'd take it there; as their hearts, so dark.
40) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Many souls beheaded there, for those who served The Lord.
At Armageddon, Satan's armies, in this battle field.
To The Lordship of Christ there, these chose to not yield.
41) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
The armies all terrified, when they saw The Lord.
With a Word, there from The Lord, all combatants, slain.
They would have eternal doom, full of torment, pain.
42) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Judgment of The Sheep and Goats, then Paradise, restored.
The Beast, False Prophet, captured, cast; into Lake Of Fire.
Satan and his demons, bound; judgment was so dire.
43) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Life as it was meant to be, there across the board.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, finally released.
Christ rules with a rod of iron; Millennium Of Peace.
44) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Satan unbound, rebellion stirred, there against The Lord.
He raised up an army there, as sand of the sea;
Rebellion quashed by Divine Fire; start of eternity.
45) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Satan's final punishment, no longer ignored.
All those who preferred darkness, spurning of God's Light.
Eternally, all these will be, tormented day and night.
46) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
The Judgment Of The Great White Throne,
He and all his demons join, there in eternal fire.
The Beast, False Prophet, and all those, wanting sins desire.
47) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
The unrepentant, compelled now, to bow before The Lord.
No guilt question, pardon, mercy, or chance of appeal.
Every sin that these have done, totally revealed.
48) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, sin is not restored.
Old Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, destroyed by God's Fire.
Eternal joy for all who did, what God did require.
49) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
Heaven only for those who, repent, accept The Lord.
One is saved by Grace through Faith; not of works to boast.
All those who reject The Lord, they will regret it, most.
50) Hell and Lake Of Fire made for Satan and his hordes.
It's appointed all to die; judgment can't be ignored.
Your eternal destiny, on what you do with Christ.
Torment in The Lake Of Fire; or Heaven, so nice.