Contents |
Overview |
Judgment Falls From God Above, When Creatures There, Rebel |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
It started with Lucifer, when he, in Sin, fell.
He declared his five ''I Will's'', full of selfish pride.
Conned one third of angels there, to come to his side.
3) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Out of heaven, these cast out; and God created Hell,
As well as the Lake of Fire, the home of the Damned.
Yet, God knew this would occur; and He had things planned.
4) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Before foundation of the world, redemptions plan, foretelled.
For in fullness of time there, Christ would come to Earth.
To provide salvation there, via the New Birth.
5) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
In Garden Of Eden there, at first, all things were well.
Until the serpent there deceived, our first parents, there.
Sins floodgates now opened wide, judgment wasn't spared.
6) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Paradise lost in a way, that they could not foretell.
Expelled from Eden's Garden Home, life of pain and toil.
All the joy that they once had, like food had gone spoiled.
7) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
On Abel's altar sacrifice, Heaven's fire, fell.
On Cain's altar sacrifice, God there, did refuse.
So murder of his brother, there...the choice Cain did choose.
8) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
When God asked Cain where Abel was, insolent, he'd tell.
''Am I my brother's keeper there??'' Cain would there reply.
Yet God saw the dreadful deed, when Abel there, did die.
9) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
''My punishment more than I can bear'' Cain, toward God, did tell.
No repentance on Cain's part, for Abel's blood, he spilled.
Yet, God put a mark on him, so he would not be killed.
10) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Wickedness spread far and wide, its evil sounding bell.
The way sin and evil spread, grieved God at His Heart.
He would send a worldwide flood, to get a brand new start.
11) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
But, there was one righteous soul, that The Lord, could tell.
Noah and his family, found grace in The Lord's Eyes.
He'd build an Ark, before the flood, there from Heaven's skies.
12) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
All the people seeing it, scorned him there, and yelled.
For one hundred twenty years, Noah built, and warned.
Of impending forty days and night of flood storm.
13) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Animals then came aboard, as words from God, did tell.
The animals, and Noah with, all his family;
Were all now inside the Ark, the place of safety.
14) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Seven days would then there pass, before the judgment fell.
All those who were still outside, fled to higher ground.
But the flooding was so great, all of them were drowned.
15) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
For solid forty days and nights, upon Earth, rain there, fell.
Noah's family, animals, safe inside in the Ark.
All others drowned, and went to Hell; their hearts were so dark.
16) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
The Ark finally came to rest, when rain no longer fell.
On top of Mount Ararat, and all came outside.
The rainbow there in the clouds, that God did provide.
17) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Sodom and Gomorrah there, its wickedness, did tell.
Only Lot and his two daughters escaped Divine Fire.
Then victim of incest from, daughters sin desire.
18) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Pharoah found that with ten plagues, all would not go well.
Finally telling Moses and, all the Jews to flee.
Then, his army was all drowned, there in the Red Sea.
19) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
While Moses up on Mount Sinai, the Jews did rebel.
Built a golden calf, and then, ''rose up to play''.
Three thousand souls would there, soon die; they chose to disobey.
20) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Reports from Joshua and Caleb, rejected what they'd tell.
So, they wandered in the wilderness for forty years.
Until the rebellious souls, in death, disappeared.
21) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Worship became ritual, commitment couldn't tell.
So God would not speak to them for four hundred years.
Until John The Baptist born; and he there, appeared.
22) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
''Repent!! The Kingdom Is At Hand'', John's words there, did tell.
Christ baptized in Jordan River, then tempted forty days;
By Satan, who failed in each try, in so many ways.
23) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Christ, the Perfect Lamb Of God, All Truth, His Words, tell.
The only way to Heaven there, one must be born again.
Christ was the only one Earth, without a single sin.
24) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Anger of religious leaders, they could not dispel.
Christ called them out for what they were, vipers, evil thieves.
Damnation for eternity, is what they would receive.
25) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
''Hosanna!!'' shouts on Palm Sunday, the priests could not quell.
Commanded Christ to order folks to there not say a word.
He replied ''The Rocks and Stones would then, there, be heard''.
26) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Judas chose to betray Christ, and for the price, he'd sell.
Silver, thirty pieces there, the price of a slave.
Yet to die for all mankind, Christ's life, He there, gave.
27) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Eighteen laws were broken there, but leaders would not tell.
The crowd chose Barabbas there; Christ sent off to die.
On Calvary's Mountain, center cross, straight into the sky.
28) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Though it looked from the first glance, all would not go well.
Not crucified for His Own Sin, Christ had none to bear.
But for sins of all mankind, His Great Love, to share.
29) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Seven last words from The Cross, The Lord there, did tell.
Forgiveness prayed for all mankind, His Blood was there, shed.
Then He died, but on Third Day, Christ rose up from the dead.
30) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Before Christ returned to Heaven, a Promise, He did tell.
The Holy Spirit, He Would Sent, to them, The Paraclete.
The Church Age, on Pentecost, Gospel Truth, Complete.
31) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Satan tried for centuries, the witness there, to quell.
But, believing remnant there, of Gentiles and the Jews;
Preach the Gospel to mankind; they The Lord, did choose.
32) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Sadly most would spurn This Truth, and end up in Hell.
''Believe On Christ, Whom God Did Send'', is what He requires.
Those refusing, heading for, Eternal Lake Of Fire.
33) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
After Rapture Of The Church; life, a living Hell.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues, total twenty-one.
God's Wrath to all those on Earth, rejecting His Dear Son.
34) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Tribulation, seven years, the pain, one can't quell.
Billions killed and martyred there, before Christ returns.
Only believing remnant there, would to Christ, there turn.
35) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
To buy, sell, and hold a job, most folks are, compelled;
To make unforgiving choice, they do take The Mark.
Damned now for eternity, as their hearts were so dark.
36) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
At Armageddon, anger there, from the pit of Hell.
With Satanic demon fury, fight against The Lord.
Christ cuts all of these to shreds, with His Divine Sword.
37) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
The Beast, False Prophet, cast alive, into a fiery Hell.
Satan and his demons bound for a thousand years.
Ravaged Earth is now restored, Paradise appears.
38) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, survivors are compelled;
How they treated all the Jews, sets their eternal fate.
Those who persecuting Jews, salvation is too late.
39) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Those protecting all the Jews, the joy The Lord, does tell.
They're allowed to enter now, Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on planet Earth is finally released.
40) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Satan tries one final time, when released from Hell.
He raises up a large army, as sand of the sea.
Fire falls on all of them; destroyed totally.
41) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
The sea gave up all its dead, as well as those in Hell.
Their whole lives are replayed back, no guilt question there.
All of them without excuse; judgment won't be spared.
42) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
At Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all unsaved compelled.
To bow before The Lord of hosts, salvation, though, too late.
Eternal torment, Lake Of Fire, for all these, their fate.
43) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
For those in the fiery lake, agony not quelled.
They will cease to matter there, but always exist.
They'll regret eternally, Heaven, they have missed.
44) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; sin forever quelled.
The redeemed, praise, serve The Lord, for all eternity.
Forever grateful for His Love, ''that He died for me''.
45) Judgment falls from God above, when creatures there, rebel.
Your eternal destiny, on your choice, to tell.
Will you accept, or there reject, what Christ did for you??
Eternal Joy, or deep regret, will be in your view.