The Times Throughout History, When God Declared ''It's Done''<p>

The Times Throughout History, When God Declared ''It's Done''

The Times Throughout History, When God Declared ''It's Done''

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Times Throughout History, When God Declared ''It's Done''

The Times Throughout History, When God Declared ''It's Done''

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Conclusion of the events, that had once begun.
From creation to judgments, throughout history.
For the power of The Lord, there for all to see.

2) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
All creation sang for joy, before sin begun.
Covering cherub, Lucifer, filled with sinful pride.
His coup there, against The Lord, quickly was denied.

3) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
More powerful, The Trinity, Father, Spirit, Son,
Than Satan or one third of angels, choosing to rebel.
For them, God made Lake of Fire, and the pit of Hell.

4) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Satan and his fallen angels, were now on the run.
Sentenced to Eternal banishment, there by The Lord.
God showed that all of His Rules cannot be ignored.

5) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Creation of the galaxies, planets, moon, and sun.
Then, it was on planet Earth, where all life would start.
But, sin would soon appear; tearing things apart.

6) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Of a life in Paradise, restrictions, only one.
Eating from forbidden tree, they would surely die.
Yet, Adam and Eve both did, fall for Satan's lie.

7) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Satan thought, eternally, the battle had been won.
Before foundation of the world, redemptions plan in place.
Christ would live, die, rise again; show God's Amazing Grace.

8) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Paradise, forever lost; life of toil, begun.
God removed the fig leaves made, to cover nudity.
Shed blood, with lamb skins for clothes, previewed Calvary.

9) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Abel killed in jealousy, murder number one.
Insolently to the Lord, Cain there, did reply.
God saw the deed, and the moment, when Abel, did die.

10) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Cain was afraid that he'd be killed, forever on the run.
God put a mark on him, so he would not be killed.
Even though it was his brother's blood, he there, had spilled.

11) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Wickedness spread wildly, like bullets from a gun.
It did truly grieve The Lord, there on His Whole Heart.
He decreed a worldwide flood, to get brand new start.

12) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Of all the families on the Earth, God found only one.
Who was righteous in His Eyes, and who found God's Grace.
Noah would there build an Ark, a refuge, safe place.

13) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
For one hundred twenty years, during night and sun.
Noah built the Ark and warned of judgment coming soon.
Yet, the people of the Earth, thought him a buffoon.

14) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Except for his family, other humans, none;
That entered the Ark, with all, animals, each kind.
All others chose there to remain, spiritually blind.

15) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
When God closed the Ark door there, the chance, it was done;
To escape the worldwide flood, there in seven days.
Those outside would pay the price, for sinful delays.

16) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The morning that the flood began, the sky had no sun.
Thunderstorms so violent, with flooding rain and wind.
Drowning, the fate, of all those, who preferred their sin.

17) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Forty days and nights later, the rainfall, finally done.
The Ark on Mount Ararat, and all that were aboard.
Exited out to the Earth, and new life in store.

18) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
A rainbow there in the sky, when the rain was done.
God's Covenant, He'd not destroy, the Earth by flood, again.
It's by fire, right before, eternity begins.

19) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Sodom and Gomorrah, wicked, at night, and in sun.
Only Lot and his two daughters, escaped sin's quagmire;
When both cities were destroyed, there by Divine Fire.

20) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The Jews persecuted there, burdens by the ton;
Placed on them by Pharoah, who, did not know The Lord.
With ten plagues, he'd pay the price, that God, He'd ignored.

21) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Water turned to blood, then frogs, and lice on everyone.
Swarms of flies, anthrax killed, all the cattle herd.
Then, boils on Egyptians there; the agony, absurd.

22) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Hailstorms and locusts there, destroyed the crops, each one.
Then darkness for three days, pitch black in the night.
Passover, The Final Plague, would soon be in sight.

23) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The Jews spread blood of a lamb, on doorposts, every one.
Seeing blood on doorpost there, death angel would pass by.
Without the blood on doorpost there, the firstborn, would die.

24) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The only heir to Pharoah's throne, was his firstborn son.
With his death, Pharoah commanded, Moses, Jews, to flee.
Pharoah's armies then pursued; drowned in The Red Sea.

25) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
On Mount Sinai, Moses got, Commandments Ten, there done.
But down below, the Jews rebelled, and rose up to play.
Built a golden calf idol, which ruined the day.

26) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
When Moses saw the orgy there, the tablets broke, each one.
Moses asked ''Who's on God's Side?? Let him come to me''.
Three thousand souls died that day, for their iniquity.

27) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Afraid like grasshoppers there, from giants, they would run.
They would not trust in The Lord, to give them victory.
So wandering for forty years, was their destiny.

28) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
To the Jews, God kept silent, no words said...not one.
For four hundred years, until, John The Baptist, born.
Yet his words, were treated by, many folks, with scorn.

29) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
In the fullness of time there, God sent His Only Son.
To Earth to be Virgin Born, Redeemer of mankind.
To die to pay for all the sins of spiritually blind.

30) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Herod slaughtered innocents, under two, each one.
He feared he would lose his throne, to ''King Of The Jews''.
Anyone opposing him, he would make them, lose.

31) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, there fled on the run.
To escape to Nazareth, until Herod died.
He's seen in Temple at age twelve, talking there, inside.

32) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The Pharisees and Saducees, were troubled, each one.
Puzzled why this young boy knew, all of Jewish law.
Later on, to them, he'd be, termed as ''the last straw''.

33) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Baptized at thirty, God declared ''This, My Beloved Son''.
''In whom I am there, well pleased'', the Spirit like a dove.
Landed on His Shoulder There; God's Free Gift Of Love.

34) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Christ never did commit a, not even, one.
He who knew no sin at all, took our sins as His Own.
On The Cross, He'd shed His Blood; for sins to atone.

35) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Before Palm Sunday, Christ told all, ''You shall tell no one''.
''Until The Son Of Man, in victory, over death and Hell,''
''Rises up there from the dead, defeating Satan's spell''.

36) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Last Supper with Disciples there, not twelve, but minus one.
Though there in Gethsemane, with drops of blood, Christ prayed.
For mankind, and his disciples, though one there, betrayed.

37) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
When Jesus was arrested there, they all fled, every one.
Thirty Pieces of silver, and kiss, there betrayed.
With Pharisees and Saducees; Judas, deal made.

38) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Eighteen laws were broken there, torturing God's Son.
They mocked, cursed, assaulted Him, and then He was scourged.
Before being crucified; sin's curse, to be purged.

39) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Satan thought against The Lord, that the victory, won.
God could not look on His Son, embodiment of sin.
Yet, Satan's forces did not know, that Christ would rise again.

40) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Christ exclaimed ''Tetelestai!!'' -- His Work was now done.
''It Is Finished'', He declared, He paid the cost of sin.
For every soul accepting Him, the victory, He'd win.

41) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
When Christ rose up from the dead, Satan on the run.
At Pentecost, The Church was born, Three Thousand were saved.
Believed on Christ, who lived and died, and rose up from the grave.

42) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Satan angered even more, killings there, begun.
Many tortured, martyred there, for their faith in Christ.
The saved there are not there own, but bought with a price.

43) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
When fullness of The Gentiles there, in The Church, last one;
Has met Divine Quota there, the Rapture will take place.
For the saved, alive and dead, with God's Amazing Grace.

44) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The redeemed rise to the sky, and behold God's Son.
Proceed to the Bema Seat, rewards gained and lost.
But in Heaven, as Christ did, pay all their sins cost.

45) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The Time Of Jacob's Trouble there, will then have begun;
When peace there is signed, with Israel, the Jews.
He'll let them rebuild Temple there; one day, He will use.

46) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Seals, trumpets, bowls, of judgments; opened one by one.
Each one far worse than before, most will not repent.
They know God is the cause of these; and Him, they do resent.

47) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Three and one half years later, the Jews now on the run.
The Beast defiles the Temple there; to Petra, the Jews flee.
God protects the remnant there, from time of misery.

48) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Those who choose to take The Mark; salvation's chance, is done.
Like Satan and his demon hordes, with dark sins desire.
These will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.

49) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
After seventh bowl released, the angel said ''it's done.''
Earthquakes, hailstones, weighing, up to one hundred pounds.
Pummels humans, buildings there, all down to the ground.

50) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The believing remnant of, the Jews, as one.
Realize Christ is their Messiah, Savior, King, and Lord.
They see His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

51) The times through history, when God declared ''it's done.''
So there in repentance, faith; they plead for Christ, God's Son;
To rescue them from certain death, and He hears their cries.
When He and His Army there, split the Heaven's skies.

52) The times throughout history, when God declared, ''it's done.''
At Armageddon, final battle, on Earth, has begun.
Satan has the armies turn, against The Lord, in rage.
Thinking he can beat The Lord, there on the world's stage.

53) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The battle is over there, as soon it has begun.
With just a word, Christ's Enemies, are all cut to shreds.
The vultures, buzzards, feed on all, corpses of the dead.

54) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Survivors of last seven years, each and every one;
Gathered there into the Valley, Of Decision, there.
The Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats; no one will be spared.

55) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
On Christ's Left or on His Right, hear Words from God's Son.
''Enter into Your Lord's Joy'', to all on His Right.
''Depart From Me'', those on His Left, ''Into Eternal Night''.

56) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Paradise is now restored, Millennium begun.
With rod of iron, Christ will rule, in this reign of peace.
Life as it was meant to be, sins curse is now released.

57) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
At end of Millennium, one last revolt, begun.
All the rebels who took part, with sinful desire.
Are destroyed there by The Lord, with His Righteous Fire.

58) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Old Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, their life, it is done.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, sin won't appear again.
The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, will dispose of sin.

59) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Unsaved souls there from all time, stand before God's Son.
No guilt question, pardon, mercy, or hint of appeal.
Every sin, all, now revealed.

60) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Salvation gone for all of these, each and every one.
They would not bow eagerly; but now, are compelled.
Destined for The Lake Of Fire, a pure eternal Hell.

61) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Eternal joy for the redeemed, with God and His Son.
All crying, sin, pain, and death, are gone forevermore.
Eternally like eagles there, the redeemed, can soar.

62) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Their joy in eternity, will be more than fun.
Praise and Service to The Lord, Savior, King Of Kings.
With His Death and Resurrection, He removed sin's sting.

63) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
The same is said of Earthly life, of each and every one.
Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die today.
After death, it is too late; to repent and pray.

64) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
When your life on Earth does end, eternal life, begun.
Any deals with Satan that, you there, choose to make;
You will find that at your death, all of them are fake.

65) The times throughout history, when God declared ''it's done.''
Before death, you must decide, what to do with God's Son.
Yet, God is a Gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
At death, it's either Christ or you; your sin debt, to pay.

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