Contents |
Overview |
The Ark Of The Covenant, When It Is Revealed |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
All of the Jews enemies, wanted to, it steal.
Then, they say that everything, it was just a lie.
These hated the truths of God, all they did deny.
3) The Ark of the ovenant, when it is revealed;
All lies spread about the Jews, will there be repealed.
That two temples long ago, truly did exist.
Shown to the Jew haters, there; the Truth that they missed.
4) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
God gave Israel to the Jews, the pact, it was sealed.
Promised there to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, too.
By Creator of all things, His Power in view.
5) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
The verdict there, of God's Truth, cannot be appealed.
Showing all the false religions, from the pit of Hell.
Horrid realization to, those in Satan's spell.
6) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
Patterned after Heaven's Ark, to Moses, revealed.
With instructions from The Lord, on how, it to build;
Commandments Ten, Aaron's rod, manna, there was filled.
7) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
To protect it from all those, wanting to, it steal.
It was hidden long ago, safely tucked away.
Then bought forth there once again, on the appointed day.
8) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
Prophecies of the end times, now are there, congealed.
With ashes of the red heifer, tenth one in history,
The third Temple can be built, expediently.
9) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
For God's Word, in Heaven there; forever, it is sealed.
The Jews, world leader there, treaty, they do make.
Three and one half years later, it is proven fake.
10) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
Seals, trumpets, bowls of judgment, upon Earth, now unsealed.
While many come to know The Lord, most are martyred, there.
For the unrepentant souls, judgment is not spared.
11) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
When The Beast' true colors there, to the world, revealed.
The third Temple is defiled, one third of Jews, now flee,
To the mountains of Petra, for their own safety.
12) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
Just before The Lord returns, His Truth is revealed,
To remnant Jews in Petra there, they now, do repent.
Doing what God did require; believe on Christ, He sent.
13) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
To Christ, their Messiah there, the Jews, now appeal.
''Blessed is He, who there comes, in Name of The Lord''.
Their prayers answered, Christ returns; it is their reward.
14) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
World's armies are horrified, in Armageddon's field.
They all turn to fight The Lord, descending from the sky.
With just a word, they're all destroyed, eternally, they die.
15) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
Ravaged Earth is now restored, Paradise revealed.
Judgment of the sheep and goats, Millennium of peace.
The curse of sin on planet Earth, finally released.
16) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
Before Christ, there on His Throne, believers have kneeled.
In Praise, Worship, To The Lord, who died, rose again.
On The Cross, shed His Blood, to pay for mankind's sin.
17) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
Showing that the Word of God is the strength and shield,
Against Satan's evil darts, he constantly does fire.
Most prefer the darkness of, sin, evil desire.
18) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
With the Armor of The Lord, to sin, one won't yield.
Satan as a roaring lion, looking to devour,
Many sell their soul to him for a sense of power.
19) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
With Christ's death upon the Cross, believers are there, healed.
With Christ resurrection there, Satan has defeat.
When one accepts Christ as their Lord, redemption now complete.
20) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
At Judgment of The Great White Throne, there is no appeal.
No guilt question, pardon, or, a hint of Mercy.
Sentenced to The Lake of Fire, for eternity.
21) The Ark of the Covenant, when it is revealed;
Eagerly, or there compelled; before Christ, all kneel.
Your eternal destiny, depends upon your choice;
To accept, or there reject, The Lord's Precious Voice.