Contents |
Overview |
Death Is Not The End Of Life, But The Eternal Start |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
It's not what's on the outside, but what's in your heart.
Not what you know, but who you know, for eternity.
Either you'll be with all joy, or in agony.
3) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
When you take your final breath, or last beat of heart.
Once you close your eyes in death, eternal fate is sealed.
Either joy or torment there; to you, it's revealed.
4) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
Folks say you can know that time, but that's not real smart.
Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die today.
At death, it's either Christ or you; your sin debt, to pay.
5) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
The tally of all your sins, it is off the chart.
No second chance to make things right, to decide for Christ.
For the cost of your sin debt, you can't pay the price.
6) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
Satan's after all mankind, with the fiery darts.
Tragically, most of mankind, God's Laws, they despise.
At the moment of their death, a horrid, huge surprise.
7) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
At death, moving faster than, a speeding go-cart.
To the Home of the Redeemed, or place of the Damned.
Heaven only for the saved; the unsaved are banned.
8) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
True picture of eternal home, not shown in clipart.
Only Hell or Heaven there, for all when you die.
After death, it is too late, to The Lord, there cry.
9) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
Did you repent, and ask The Lord, to enter your heart?
Or did you spurn the Gospel Truth, as stupidity?
If so, you'll regret that choice, for all eternity.
10) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
Each day there is as day one, there's no second part.
Not reincarnation, or purgatory time.
Or soul sleep, but judgment there; for life of sin and crime.
11) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
It's appointed all to die, then judgment will then, start.
All will stand before The Lord, in a Life On Trial.
Every sin you've ever done, no chance of denial.
12) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
God has prepared Heaven's Joy, for saved, from the start.
All those who believe on Christ, what God does require.
The only thing to save their soul from The Lake Of Fire.
13) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
When that moment does arrive, life does fall apart.
You can not know of the time, when your life does end.
Christ will be your worst nightmare, or forever friend.
14) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
Conception is the moment when, life there, it does start.
Yet many unborn are aborted, from the pregnancy.
All these now in Heaven there, for eternity.
15) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
When the time of death arrives, in your life and heart.
That moment, peaceful, violent; however it may be.
You're off of this mortal coil, into eternity.
16) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
No matter your health that is shown, on the doctors chart.
Cause of death is natural, or execution, there.
Before then, eternity, all souls, must prepare.
17) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
For all those who cannot speak, The Lord knows their heart.
All those who die below age of accountability.
They're in Heaven with The Lord, for all eternity.
18) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
The saved couple who know Christ; at death, when they part.
They'll see each other once again, there on Heaven's shore.
They'll never have to say goodbye, there forevermore.
19) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
No matter what sin you have done, in your wicked heart.
Only Precious Blood of Christ, will wash away sins stain.
For if you believe on Christ; Heaven is your gain.
20) Death is not the end of life, but eternal start.
Turn from sin, and ask The Lord, to come into your heart.
Not going through the motions there, but true, when you pray.
For all who truly come to Christ, He will not turn away.