Lord, Why Would You, There Accept, A Sinner Such As Me??<p>

Lord, Why Would You, There Accept, A Sinner Such As Me??

Lord, Why Would You, There Accept, A Sinner Such As Me??

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Lord, Why Would You, There Accept, A Sinner Such As Me??

Lord, Why Would You, There Accept, A Sinner Such As Me??

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Before I was there conceived, or ever came to be.
The whole depth of your true love, I'll never understand.
Whether I am here on Earth, or in Beulah Land.

2) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
That You'd leave Heaven, come to Earth, die on Calvary.
When Your Holy Spirit there, came and pricked my heart.
When I repented before You, You gave a brand new start.

3) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
You took the scourging and the death, that were meant for me.
I'm a filthy, dirty, worthless sinner, meant for Hell.
But you provided salvation, to break the Devil's spell.

4) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Destined for the Lake Of Fire, for eternity.
Lord, You knew no sin at all, yet left Heaven's Throne,
To come to Earth, to shed Your Blood, for sins, to atone.

5) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Your Full Love, Amazing Grace, on that Rugged Tree.
For You knew, mankind's sin debt, none could pay the cost.
In Your Love, You came to seek, and save, all the lost.

6) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
You lived, died, and rose again, there in victory.
When hearing ''The Old Rugged Cross'', I broke down, and cried.
I saw, without You, it was Hell, the moment that I died.

7) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Your Gift of salvation, so beautiful, and free.
The words are so inadequate, just to say ''Thank You''.
To repent, accept Your Gift, the least that I could do.

8) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
The blessings that you had prepared, I could not know, or see.
The talents, gifts, relationships; my voice to you, is raised,
In worship and gratitude, You're worthy of all praise.

9) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Though a sinner saved by grace, I'm so unworthy.
Just like the prodigal son, with sin nature, there.
Yet, with all my faults and sins; You still loved and cared.

10) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Whether in this life on Earth, or in eternity,
In my place, you took my shame, and my sin, and pain.
With the saved, I say ''Worthy, The Lamb for sinners, slain''.

11) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Eternally, I'll have the joy, and not agony;
Of those who choose to reject The Gift that You gave.
For You lived, and died for all, and rose up from the grave.

12) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
I failed you so many times, yet You stayed with me.
I'm thankful that Your Precious Blood washed my sins away.
I can never pay you back, for what You did that day.

13) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
When I believed on you, I was declared ''not guilty''.
In Heaven, I know a mansion, for me, there awaits.
At death for the rapture there, I enter pearly gates.

14) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
For your love for sinful man, it is a mystery.
I know the saved, bought with a price, they are not their own.
And one day, all mankind, will bow before Your Throne.

15) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
I know that at death or rapture, Your Face, I will see.
All I'd like to get from You; a hug, handshake, and cry.
To be with you eternally, there in Heaven's sky.

16) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
The Judgment of the Bema Seat, I know, waits for me.
My righteousness as filthy rags, there before You, Lord.
For Your Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

17) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Everything I've ever done, is not hid from Thee.
If there, at the Bema Seat, I have earned a crown,
Eagerly, there at Your Feet, I will lay it down.

18) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
I'm thankful you forgave my sins, for eternity.
My heart breaks, when family, friends, Your Love Gift, does spurn.
They can't see, that at their death, they will forever, burn.

19) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
I can never thank you for, all that you did for me.
I quenched your spirit many times, with my sin and pride.
Every day there, I do feel, so dirty inside.

20) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
In my sharing of the poetry, that You've given me;
Though the lost feel Gospel Truth is foolishness and dumb;
I know You won't turn away all who humbly come.

21) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
Spiritually, I was blind; but now, I do see.
Reunion like no other there, one day, in Heaven's sky.
Knowing all that's gathered there, won't have to say goodbye.

22) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
For the Precious Blood You shed, that's my only plea.
I'm so glad you did not give me, what I so deserved.
For you grade upon The Cross, and not upon the curve.

23) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
In my place, upon The Cross, you paid sin's penalty.
With all redeemed, in Heaven there, with all voices, raised;
Declare, Lord, that You alone, are worthy of all praise.

24) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
You loved mankind, and died for us, all your enemy.
For the joy set before you, You endured the shame.
That's why all of the redeemed, gladly praise Your Name.

25) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
If I had been the only one, You would've died for me.
You didn't have to do it, Lord; I'm thankful that You did.
Creation declares Your Glory, for it is not hid.

26) Lord, why would You, there accept, a sinner such as me??
You deserve praise, crowns, rewards, so much more than me.
I'll serve, praise, and Thank You there, for all eternity.
Because Lord, you did accept, a sinner such as me.

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