Contents |
Overview |
If Anybody Is At Fault, It Is You And Me |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Spiritually, all are dead, for eternity.
There's none righteous on the Earth, seeking after God.
For one's pride and selfishness, mankind gave the nod.
3) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Before we were there, conceived, in iniquity.
Yet, redemption's plan was set, before Earth was formed.
Because climate, spiritually, like tornadic storm.
4) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
No one wants to admit that, before God, they're guilty.
Ear tickling sermons, what they want; the doom of Satan's lie.
All these will be horrified, the moment that they die.
5) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Far more will reject The Lord, than to bend the knee.
Declaring ''We won't have Christ, over us, to reign''.
At the moment of their death, eternal doom and pain.
6) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Believing remnant, come to Christ, in humility.
Knowing they can't save themselves, from The Lake Of Fire.
They repent, believe on Christ, what God does require.
7) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Most feel that The Gospel Truth, is stupidity.
But, it is the Power Of God, there to all the saved.
Who believe Christ lived and died, and rose up from the grave.
8) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
For Christ took upon Himself, our iniquity.
On that Rugged Cross, God's Love, totally revealed.
It was by the stripes He bore, that the saved, are healed.
9) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
The saved all praise Christ The Lord, ''for He died for me''.
Amazing Grace, The Love Of God, we can't understand.
Our sins cleansed there by shed Blood, from His Nail Pierced Hands.
10) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Christ showed His Love to mankind, there on Calvary.
When asked how much He loved us, He spread His Arms Across.
''It Is Finished'', He Proclaimed, on that Rugged Cross.
11) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
It was all of mankind's sins, that nailed Him to the Tree.
But, He arose in victory, there on The Third Day.
Into Heaven, Jesus Christ, He is The Only Way.
12) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
For the Precious Blood Christ, it is the sinner's plea.
In our place, upon The Cross, He took our sin and pain.
And, the saved proclaim ''Worthy, The Lamb That Was Slain''.
13) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Earth's life small, when compared, to eternity.
Hell or Heaven, only places, after death, exist.
Those who choose to reject Christ; Heaven, they'll have missed.
14) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
For the saved bow before Christ, therein, eagerly.
But, the lost, compelled to bow, at The Great White Throne.
Then, cast into The Lake Of Fire, one's He's never known.
15) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Salvation's plan so simple there, that a child, can see.
There's only one Messiah, none beside The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
16) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
When the unsaved hear The Truth, responding angrily.
Believe at death, no Heaven, Hell, Judgment will occur.
Tragically, they'll see too late, they made the error.
17) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Whether leaders, pastors, priests, or the laity.
God's Standard Is Perfection there, and none on Earth, can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
18) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
For the moment of your death, sets your eternity;
Hell or Heaven, on what you, did with Jesus Christ.
For the cost of your sin debt; you can't pay its price.
19) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
For He knows all that you've done, sins no one, can see.
Going through the motions there, or are you, sincere??
You can't fool The Lord, my friend; your intents are clear.
20) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
For The Lord is in control, with His Sovereignty.
Most detest the fact that God, there did make The Rules.
So they cry ''There Is No God''; The Lord calls them ''Fools''.
21) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Your decision for The Lord, is yours, totally.
After death, it is too late, for you to repent.
The one thing that God requires, ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
22) If anybody is at fault, it is you and me.
Your decision honored there, for all eternity.
Yet, God is a Gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
At your death, it's Christ or you; your sin debt, to pay.