Contents |
Overview |
There's A Hole Within Your Heart, That Only God Can Fill |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Before foundation of the Earth, God wanted family.
That would love and serve Him there, for all eternity.
Yet, He gave all mankind there, both free choice, and will.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
3) Our first parents, Adam, Eden's paradise.
Everything was perfect there, life was easy, nice.
When they fell for Satan's lie; fellowship, was killed.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
4) Eve deceived by Satan there, to do what is not right.
Adam knew what God had said; gave in without a fight.
The sin of their iniquity, brought their heart, a chill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
5) Adam tried to blame God for, giving him there, Eve.
He chose to sin willingly, yet Eve was deceived.
Satan lied about the sin, that it would give a thrill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
6) Evicted from their garden home, Earth now, with a curse.
Sin did multiply quickly, things went for the worse.
In jealous rage, Cain killed his brother, Abel's blood was spilled.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
7) Mankind rotten to the core, wicked was his heart.
God grieved, He would send a flood, to get a brand new start.
Worldwide flood of judgment there, the water would there, fill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
8) Noah and his family, found grace in God's eyes.
All the rest of mankind, did...all God's Laws, despise.
Dissonance of all their sin, it was oh, so shrill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
9) Sodom and Gomorrah there, full of wickedness.
Dragged out there, against their will, from the evil mess.
Lot's wife, and all left behind, in fire, were killed.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
10) God called Abram out of Ur, to go to a new place.
The Promised Land, a chosen people, the Jews, to seek His Face.
In the noisiness of life, to seek God, be still.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
11) Moses up on Mount Sinai, to get Commandments Ten.
Down below, the Jews engaged, in orgy of sin.
Three thousand rebellious souls, therein, would be killed.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
12) The Jews were told by The Lord, if His Rules, they obeyed.
He'd protect them from their enemies, they would not be dismayed.
No disease or illness there, would infect or kill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
13) The Jews would turn their backs on God, time and time again.
He'd discipline and judge them for, their rebellious sin.
A stubborn stiff necked people, not doing God's Will.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
14) They'd repent, God would forgive, repentance would not last.
Not long afterwards, they would, sin like in the past.
Like on a wheel going round, at a local mill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
15) Their worship was now ritual, no commitment, there.
Just going through the motions, as if they didn't care.
The cup of their iniquity, many times, they'd fill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
16) Four hundred years would there, elapse; God wouldn't speak a Word.
Those who truly loved The Lord, longed for Words they'd heard.
Heartbroken there at the loss, just like a bitter pill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
17) John The Baptist born, his job, was to prepare The Way.
Jesus Christ would come to Earth, our sin debt, to pay.
To Jews, as the Messiah, there; He didn't fit the bill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
18) The Pharisees and Saducees, held Christ in contempt.
Spiritually, their hearts were, filthy and unkempt.
Seeing Christ a threat to them; wanting Him killed.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
19) Jesus said that ''Into Heaven, I'm The Only Way''.
For thirty pieces of silver, Judas would betray.
Christ arrested, crucified, on Golgotha's Hill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
20) Christ, the sinless Lamb Of God, there for sinners, slain.
In our place, upon The Cross, He took our sin and pain.
Christ did not destroy The Law; all of it, fulfilled.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
21) Christ, He came to Earth to die, there in mankind's place.
All those who would repent, believe; received Amazing Grace.
All their sins were washed away, by the Blood He'd spill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
22) On the Third Day, Christ arose, there in victory.
All those accepting Him, in Heaven, for all eternity.
Redemption's plan for all mankind, it was now fulfilled.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
23) In Perfect Love, Christ paid sin's debt, mankind could not afford.
When someone repents, believes, fellowship restored.
Bowed before Him eagerly, of their own free will.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
24) From Pentecost to Rapture Day, the Church Age, would run.
Jew or Gentile, now the Bride, of Jesus Christ, God's Son.
On the day of rapture, there; prophecy fulfilled.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
25) One day, a shout and trumpet blast, there in Heaven's sky.
Both dead and alive in Christ, in twinkling of an eye;
Rise to meet their Savior, Lord; their joy, overfilled.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
26) Sadly, many left behind, spiritually blind.
Evil is now unrestrained, many lose their mind.
Hearts failing them for their fear; other souls are killed.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
27) The Antichrist comes on the scene, Hell on Earth, begins.
God's Wrath poured out on mankind, for their rebellious sin.
To mankind, God's Punishment, is like a bitter pill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
28) Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues, total twenty-one.
Seven plagues, of three sets each; then God's Wrath is done.
Mankind's heart so dark and wicked, with a stone cold chill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
29) Many souls will take The Mark, so they can buy and sell.
They'll condemn themselves forever, to eternal Hell.
That sin unforgiven there, done by choice and will.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
30) Between the two witnesses, evangelists of Jews;
Then an angel spreads The Gospel, but most will refuse.
While many souls will come to Christ, most are martyred, killed.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
31) Believing remnant of the Jews, who so long ignored.
Now see their Messiah is Jesus Christ, The Lord.
Mourn as one, with bitter tears; down each face, does spill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
32) They cry ''Blessed is He Who Comes, in Name Of The Lord''.
They see God's Word sharper than any two edged sword.
Christ defeats His Enemies; it's their blood, that's spilled.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
33) The Antichrist, False Prophet, Both, cast to Lake Of Fire.
Satan and his demons bound, for their sins desire.
The value of his rebellion, totally there, nil.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
34) The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, finally released.
Life as it was meant to be; no war, or threats to kill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
35) At end of Millennium, one last rebellion, tried.
These don't even have a chance, victory, denied.
Fire falls from Heaven there, hotter than a grill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
36) The unsaved souls of mankind, now at The Great White Throne.
Every sin they've ever done, to all, now made known.
They chose to reject The Lord, defiant in their will.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
37) No guilt question, pardon, mercy, or hint of appeal.
Now compelled there by God's Word, before Christ, they kneel.
They did trample underfoot, The Blood that Christ, did spill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
38) Since none of these believed on Christ, what God did require.
They will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.
Total cost of their sin debt, they could not pay the bill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
39) Old Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, by fire, destroyed.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, for saved to enjoy.
Grateful for what Jesus did, gladly do His Will.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
40) Money, wealth, fame, hobbies, cars, none will satisfy.
All of these are left behind, the moment that you die.
Only what is done for Christ; for you, in Heaven's Till.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
41) For there where your treasure is, there resides your heart.
Earthly things will never fill, the hole in your heart.
God's Standard Is Perfection there; no one can fit that bill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
42) God wants none to die in sin, but all to repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
Not die in sin, but to repent; that is The Father's Will.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
43) Yet, God is a Gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
At your death, it's Christ, or you; your sin debt, to pay.
Christ's Love written there in Red, with His Divine Quill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
44) Salvation is a free gift there, for Gentiles and the Jews.
Before the moment of your death, every soul, must choose.
Ground is equal at The Cross, on Mount Calvary's Hill.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.
45) Hell or Heaven, when you die; no other place exists.
If you choose to reject Christ; Heaven, you'll have missed.
Your decision honored there, of your choice, and will.
There's a hole within your heart, that only God can fill.