Believers Persecuted Now, But Not After They Die<p>

Believers Persecuted Now, But Not After They Die

Believers Persecuted Now, But Not After They Die

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Believers Persecuted Now, But Not After They Die

Believers Persecuted Now, But Not After They Die

Based on 2 Timothy 3:12

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Man today, and long ago, has hated things of God.
Refusing to repent of sin, to give Him the nod.
Loving darkness more than light, to Christ they would not cry.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

2) The persecution hasn't changed, nor has it gone away.
The world resents, that into Heaven, Christ, the only way.
These won't enter Heaven there, no matter what they try.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

3) Many martyred through the years, proclaiming Gospel Truth.
That salvation, a free gift, for adults and youth.
When one stands before The Lord, their guilt, they can't deny.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

4) Blessed are those persecuted, for righteousness sake.
To these, Heaven's Kingdom gained; mankind cannot take.
On their souls, The Blood Of Christ, God did there, apply.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

5) Unrepentant, reprobate, sinful souls, galore.
Not satisfied with wickedness, always wanting more.
They feel Christianity, is nothing but a lie.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

6) Only one of two places, after death, exists.
If they spurn God's Free Love Gift; Heaven, they'll have missed.
Hell or Heaven, instantly; when each one will die.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

7) All God wants the saved to do, is to plant the seed.
That on The Cross, Jesus Christ, for mankind's sins, did bleed.
''It Is Finished!!'' what The Lord, at His Death, did cry.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

8) Then on the Third Day, Christ arose, there in victory.
All who would believe on Him, saved for eternity.
Life's pain, it does not compare, to joy in Heaven's sky.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

9) At The Bema Judgment Seat, there before The Lord.
Compensation for the faithful, it is their reward.
All their sins and tears are gone, from their life and eyes.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

10) All believers, not their own, but bought with a price.
After death, you can't repent; and then, come to Christ.
Dying lost, you will find that, Heaven is denied.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

11) Before end of Earthly life, every soul must choose.
Salvation's Gift Available, to Gentiles and the Jews.
But, God's offer of pardon, it ends when you die.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

12) Once witnessed to, the lost souls blood, is off the Christian's hands.
The Christian, they have done all that, The Lord, did command.
It's up to them to accept Christ; or Him, to deny.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

13) When The Lord returns to Earth, justice will be done.
One's eternity, on what they did with Christ, God's Son.
At His Second Coming, Christ is seen by every eye.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

14) Believers now are scoffed at, mocked, ridiculed, abused.
By these unrepentant souls, who Christ, there refuse.
The unsaved see how wrong they were, the moment that they die.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

15) Yet, God is a Gentleman, He gave free will and choice.
To each soul, to there, accept; or reject Christ's Voice.
Let The Lord God, there, be true...He cannot sin or lie.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

16) ''Believe On Christ'', the one thing that, The Lord does require.
Refusing Christ condemns your soul, to the Lake Of Fire.
You'll regret that you fell for The Doom Of Satan's Lie.
Believers persecuted now, but not after they die.

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