Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways<p>

Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways

Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways

Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways

Based on Proverbs 3:5-6

Written By Daryl Stout

1) In life, one wants good advice, for the tasks they do.
So they'd avoid adversity, that could come into view.
The best advice that one could have, each and every day...
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

2) Before foundation of the world, redemption's plan in place.
God would give His Only Son, gift of Amazing Grace.
He'd take the sins of all mankind, on Himself, to pay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

3) Before Creation long ago, God had planned our best.
Yet, Satan did spoil everything, with his evil quest.
Judgment on him, and one third, of angels that day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

4) There in Eden's Garden Home, there with Adam, Eve.
Adam there sinned willfully...though Eve was deceived.
For their sin, they would soon see, the huge cost, to pay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

5) They both had died spiritually, and lost paradise.
Now, they'd see their life on Earth, wouldn't be so nice.
Shedding of innocent blood, the cost of sin to pay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

6) The curse of sin on planet Earth, now fell on everything.
There, the cost of just one sin, destruction, did bring.
Yet, plan of redemption there, would be fulfilled one day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

7) Cain killed his brother Abel, fit of jealousy.
When asked by God where Abel was, he spoke insolently.
''Am I my brother's keeper, to track him every day??''.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

8) God didn't need to ask of Cain, He saw the dreadful deed.
Cries for justice came up from, Abel's blood, did bleed.
A fugitive and vagabond, for sin, Cain would pay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

9) Wickedness spread far and wide; grieved God at His Heart.
A worldwide flood of judgment there; then a brand new start.
Noah found grace in God's Eyes; an Ark to build, that day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

10) For one hundred twenty years, Noah built, and warned.
Yet outside his family, his words were met with scorn.
No one believed the warnings that a flood would come some day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

11) Animals, then family, of Noah, were aboard.
The Ark door was fully closed, by Hand Of The Lord.
Worldwide flood would then begin, there in seven days.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

12) Finally, judgment did arrive, heavy rains came down.
All those left outside the Ark, screaming, all were drowned.
Rain did fall upon the Earth, forty nights and days.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

13) Finally, on Mount Ararat, the Ark would come to rest.
All would exit from the Ark, in a new life quest.
God's Covenant, a rainbow there, in the sky, that day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

14) Years later, God called Abram to, leave his home in Ur.
To a land that God would show, destination, sure.
God would bless or curse mankind, on how he did God's Ways.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

15) Blessing, cursing, also on how mankind treats the Jews.
Special group of people there, that The Lord, did choose.
This applies to people, nations, each and every day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

16) Abram and his wife, Sarai, increasing in years.
Too old for them to have a child, it was their worst fear.
So Abram slept with Hagar there; that was the wrong way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

17) Ishmael born, but he was not, the one God did choose.
Isaac was the one instead, that The Lord would use.
Both Hagar and Ishmael, in grief, were sent away.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

18) God then changed their names to Abraham, and Sarah, there.
Then, greatest test, of Abraham; he had to prepare.
Isaac would be sacrificed, on an upcoming day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

19) Abraham did trust The Lord, therein to provide.
Resurrection or replacement, if Isaac had died.
A ram caught in thicket there, it did save the day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

20) Sodom and Gomorrah there, wicked to the core.
Of their filthy lifestyles, Lot was vexed and sore.
Only three survived the fire, on that fateful day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

21) Under Pharoah, the Jews were, mistreated as slaves.
Pharoah did not know The Lord, the outcome was grave.
Ten plagues would affect the land, there in many ways.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

22) Water turned to blood, then frogs, and the dust to lice.
Boils on Egyptians there, life was not so nice.
Anthrax, flies, locusts, hail, night instead of day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

23) Passover, the final plague, when the firstborn died.
Except for lamb's blood on doorposts, that Jews did provide.
Pharoah ordered the Jews out, there on the next day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

24) Pharoah's army pursued Jews, and drowned in The Red Sea.
When God parted waters there, to give victory.
The Power of Almighty God, it was seen that day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

25) Moses up on Mount Sinai, to get Commandments Ten.
Down below, the Jews engaged, in orgy of sin.
They did build a golden calf, and rose up to play.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

26) When Moses came down from Sinai, to the iniquity;
He asked ''Who Is On God's Side?? Let him come to me!!''.
Three thousand rebellious souls, were destroyed that day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

27) Reports from Joshua, Caleb, and the other spies.
''We are just like grasshoppers, in all of their eyes''.
Instead of trusting God there, it was fear that ruled the day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

28) So, they wandered in the wilderness for forty years.
Until all complaining rebels, did there, disappear.
Joshua would lead them into Promised Land that day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

29) The Jews would not let the land, rest one year out of seven.
Finally, God had enough; and Judgment fell from Heaven.
To Babylon captivity, all taken away.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

30) Captivity was finally done, and Jews would return.
But, repentance didn't last; it seemed they never learned.
Destroyed temple was rebuilt, over many days.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

31) The Lord told them what to do, for Him, them to bless.
Repeatedly, they'd turn away, for the pagan mess.
Eventually, they'd repent; then again, turn away.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

32) Then God would not speak to them for four hundred years.
Those who truly loved The Lord, heartbroken in tears.
But, then John The Baptist came, to prepare the way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

33) In the fullness of time, there; God sent His Son to Earth.
The Precious, Sinless, Lamb Of God; who would preach New Birth.
He declared that into Heaven, He was The Only Way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

34) The religious leaders there, held Christ in contempt.
Though their houses, spiritually...filthy and unkempt.
They wanted to get rid of Him, more so every day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

35) On Palm Sunday long ago, on donkey, Christ did ride.
Yet, for Israel, and the tears, The Lord cried.
They rejected their Messiah, in each and every way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

36) Then, Judas Iscariot, would betray His Lord.
Thirty pieces of silver, would be his reward.
Arrested in the Garden there, and taken away.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

37) Eighteen Jewish laws broken, in trial of The Lord.
Illegal in all of its ways, justice was ignored.
''Give To Us Barabbas!! Crucify Christ, there today!!''.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

38) Christ was scourged, then carried Cross, up to Calvary.
He who knew no sin at all; took sins of you and me.
In our place, He took the debt, that none of us could pay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

39) Jesus Christ, God In The Flesh, was there, crucified.
"It Is Finished!!" was the cry; just before He died.
But, He arose victorious, there on The Third Day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

40) Resurrection, God's Approval, of payment for sin.
In forty days, He would ascend; but He'd come again.
On Pentecost, The Holy Ghost, came in special way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

41) On Pentecost, a Mighty Wind, down from Heaven, came.
The Gospel Truth, all could be saved, believe on Jesus' Name.
Three thousand souls would there repent, and be saved that day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

42) Unfortunately, wolves crept in, to destroy the flock.
Many despised the Christians, there around the clock.
They would capture, put to death, those doing God's Way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

43) When the fullness of Gentiles, has finally come in;
Christ will Rapture His Bride there, taking all to Him.
Both dead and alive in Christ, will vanish that day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

44) All the saved from the Church Age, now at the Bema Seat.
Rewards are both gained and lost, salvation now complete.
With Christ for eternity, for each and every day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

45) Casting crowns at Christ's Feet, before Him, they bow.
''Worthy The Lamb, For Sinners Slain'', they sing together, now.
Declaring that Christ alone is worthy of all praise.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

46) A peace treaty there is signed, with Israel and the Jews.
The Third Temple is rebuilt, that they will there, use.
Three and one half years later, the treaty, gone away.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

47) The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, Hell On Earth for seven years.
Billions martyred, or they die; hearts fail them for fear.
The Beast, his Mark, and the False Prophet; evil on display.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

48) Twelve thousand Jews, from the twelve tribes, preach the Gospel News.
Two witnesses, then angel there; to Gentiles and Jews.
The Gospel Preached to all mankind, in each and every way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

49) Seals, trumpets, bowls, of plagues, pummel all the Earth.
Many souls will come to Christ, and receive New Birth.
All these hated by the world; many killed each day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

50) The Third Temple, now defiled, by the Antichrist.
The Great Tribulation here; life is not so nice.
To the mountains of Petra, the remnant, run away.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

51) Believing remnant of the Jews, now get regeneration.
Accepting their Messiah there, all as one nation.
They call on Christ to save them, and He comes without delay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

52) All the tribes of Earth now mourn, as they see The Lord.
All His enemies destroyed, by His Divine Sword.
Vengeance truly is The Lord's; His Time to repay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

53) The Beast and False Prophet cast into The Lake Of Fire.
Satan and his demons bound, into abyss quagmire.
Long time rule by mortal man, has ended this day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

54) The Judgment Of The Sheep and Goats, Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, is finally released.
Life as it was meant to be; The Lord now rules the day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

55) At end of Millennium, Satan is unbound.
But, last rebellion does not even, get off of the ground.
Fire destroys rebels there; ending all sin's day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

56) Satan joins The Beast, False Prophet, in The Lake Of Fire.
Joined by all who would not do, what The Lord required.
Eternally, the sin debt cost, all these can never pay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

57) The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, of all the unsaved.
These would not accept The Lord, Salvation's Gift, He gave.
The Grace of God is over now, and it's too late to pray.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

58) No guilt question, pardon, mercy, or hint of appeal.
Every sin they've ever done, totally revealed.
No one to defend the lost, on that somber day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

59) Since these preferred a life of sin, all with Satan's spell.
Now to bow before The Lord, all these are compelled.
Then into The Lake Of Fire, all these are cast away.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

60) Old Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; by fire, now destroyed.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; for saved to enjoy.
Sin won't rise a second time, in any of its ways.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

61) Christ's Death and Resurrection, is for every soul and nation.
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation??
Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die today.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

62) ''Believe On Christ, whom God did send''; the one thing He requires.
The only thing to save your soul, from The Lake Of Fire.
No other Name but Jesus there; He's Heaven's Only Way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

63) One is saved by Grace Through Faith, not of works to boast.
If you choose to reject Christ, you will regret it most.
At death, it is Christ or you; your sin debt to pay.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

64) God gave everyone the option, of free will and choice.
To accept, or there reject, The Lord's Precious Voice.
Yet, God is a Gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

65) Hell or Heaven, when you die; no other place, exists.
Far more will reject The Lord; and Heaven, they'll have missed.
Your Decision will be honored, there on Judgment Day.
Trust The Lord In All Your Life, Lean Not To Your Own Ways.

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