Serving My Creator There, The Least That Can Be Done<p>

Serving My Creator There, The Least That Can Be Done

Serving My Creator There, The Least That Can Be Done

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Serving My Creator There, The Least That Can Be Done

Serving My Creator There, The Least That Can Be Done

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
Into Heaven, Jesus Christ, He is, The Only One.
For The Lord, He did Command, His Love to mankind.
While we were His Enemies, spiritually blind.

2) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
God's Love Gift to all mankind, through Jesus Christ, His Son.
Virgin Born, He walked on Earth, without any sin.
To preach Heaven's Kingdom there, and to be born again.

3) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
''It Is Finished!!'', He did cry, when His Work was done.
The cost of mankind's full sin debt, He alone did pay.
And, then arose victorious, there on The Third Day.

4) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
When I repented, received Christ; new work was begun.
All the sins I'd ever do, were now washed away.
What Christ did there on The Cross, I can not repay.

5) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
For the battle, spiritually, is already won.
For the most important day, when He pricked my heart.
When I accepted His Free Gift, I got a brand new start.

6) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
For the weight of my sin debt, far more than megaton.
God's Standard is Perfection there; none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.

7) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
No matter what I do at night, or in the noonday sun.
All the talents given me; it's Glory to The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

8) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
What separates me from His Love?? The answer is none.
Thankful that I wasn't given, what I so deserve.
For God grades upon The Cross, and not upon The Curve.

9) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
I know that Heaven is my home, when earthly life is done.
At death or at rapture there, my eternal place.
For I accepted His Free Gift, of Amazing Grace.

10) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
One cannot hide from The Lord; and from Him, one can't run.
Though while in this life on Earth, sin nature still remains.
But through victory in The Lord, I'm freed from sins chains.

11) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
Temptation exists each day, just like a loaded gun.
Every day, He cares for me, from His Throne in Heaven;
Though when I confess my sin; through Him, I'm forgiven.

12) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
I saw that without The Lord, my life's value, none.
He knew me before I was, in the womb, conceived.
And one day, that I'd repent; and on Christ, believe.

13) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
He would have come to die, if I, was the only one.
From the Precious Blood He shed, from His Nail Pierced Hands.
Why He chose to die for me, I'll never understand.

14) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
He knows the hairs upon my head, each and every one.
He promised not to leave His Children, hanging in the lurch.
When the Rapture trumpet sounds, He comes for His Church.

15) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
If any crowns at Bema Seat, I give to Him, each one.
I'll join the ransomed, redeemed souls, with my voice there, raised;
That Jesus Christ, my Savior, worthy of all praise.

16) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
My question I pose to you...have you received God's Son??
It's appointed all to die, then Judgment awaits.
Hell or Heaven, for each one; it's your eternal fate.

17) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
At the moment of your death, the time left, is none.
After death, belief too late, to decide for Christ.
If you die without The Lord, you'll pay eternal price.

18) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
If you choose to spurn The Lord; to turn away, and run.
Your decision honored there, given what's desired.
Without Christ, eternally, it is The Lake Of Fire.

19) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
Your good works, church membership, its value, is none.
Christians saved by Grace Through Faith; not of works to boast.
If you choose to reject Christ, you will regret it most.

20) Serving My Creator there, the least that can be done.
An appointment you will keep, from it, you can't run.
Eagerly or there compelled, you'll bow before His Throne.
Welcomed there, or cast away; as one He's never known.

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