The Leaders That They Do Deserve, God Gives To Each Nation<p>

The Leaders That They Do Deserve, God Gives To Each Nation

The Leaders That They Do Deserve, God Gives To Each Nation

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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The Leaders That They Do Deserve, God Gives To Each Nation

The Leaders That They Do Deserve, God Gives To Each Nation

Written By Daryl Stout

1) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Whether serving The Lord there, or are abomination.
The Lord sets up and removes kings, those in authority.
Blessings for the citizens, or outright misery.

2) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
All there in positions of, work administration.
From president or governor, or mayor of a town.
All appointed by The Lord, from the top, there down.

3) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Whether open or hidden, God does the observation.
Nothing done escapes His Glance, He is not surprised.
All motives, thoughts, and words of deeds; all seen by His Eyes.

4) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
All those living righteously, God gives commendation.
Righteousness exalts the land, the blessings do abound.
But, sin is a reproach there, from sky to the ground.

5) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
When Godly principles are taught, in the education,
Between all the citizens, harmony does exist.
Without these, all happiness, it is sorely missed.

6) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
But, mankind has sin nature there, and evil reputation.
Most go down the path of sin, away from The Lord.
For His Godly Principles, many have abhorred.

7) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
When God's Blessings are removed, there is tribulation.
Crime and evil do increase, sin spreads far and wide.
Only thinking of themselves, and self righteous pride.

8) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Like Sodom and Gomorrah were, burned up in conflagration.
Wicked souls turned into Hell, turned backs upon The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

9) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Prices all go through the roof, with extreme inflation.
Defenses are a laughing stock, as no one does prepare.
Thinking they're invincible, so they do not care.

10) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Mankind's corrupt sin nature, is the explanation.
They'd choose Satan over Christ, if they had the choice;
As they do not want to hearken, there to The Lord's Voice.

11) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Yet God offers to each soul, free gift of salvation.
Far more will reject The Lord, than those who repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.

12) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Leaders and their citizens, set for condemnation.
Promoting things that God declared wicked, sinful deeds.
For all these, on Judgment Day, no one for them, will plead.

13) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Nothing's hidden from The Lord, each thing, His Observation.
For God is A Gentleman, He'll let a nation stray.
If they tell Him in rebellion, to just ''go away''.

14) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
All forsake Israel one day, God's People and His Nation.
The only way that Israel will, finally realize;
Christ, is their Messiah, Lord, they'll see with their eyes.

15) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
At the Bema Judgment Seat, the saved get compensation.
For persecution they endured, for the cause of Christ.
They know they are not they own, but bought with a price.

16) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Evil spread so far in wide, in its proliferation.
But, when Christ returns to Earth, justice will be done.
Eternal home, depends on what, they did with God's Son.

17) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
In Millennium Of Peace, God restores creation.
Rule by mortal man is done; Jesus Christ will reign;
With a rod of iron there, His Word to proclaim.

18) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
During The Millennium, of Christ's administration.
Sin is dealt with quickly there, by Judgment from The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

19) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
At Judgment of The Great White Throne, there is no probation.
Neither question of one's guilt, pardon, or appeal.
Every sin you've ever done, will there, be revealed.

20) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
At the end of history, at its consummation;
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; sin forever, done.
Eternal praise and worship to Jesus Christ, God's Son.

21) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Into Heaven, saved welcomed; God gives congratulations.
The unrepentant, terrified, there before His Throne.
He casts them into the fire, as one's He's never known.

22) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
You don't have to face The Lord, with fear or trepidation.
Salvation's plan so simple there, repent of sin, believe;
On Christ, who lived, died, rose again, His Free Gift, receive.

23) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Advice to all to repent, God's Recommendation.
''I have no pleasure in the death, of those who die in sin''.
''Repent Of Sin, Believe On Christ, and be born again''.

24) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
Don't be guilty of the sin, of procrastination.
Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die today.
At your death, it's Christ, or you; your sin debt to pay.

25) The leaders that they do deserve, God gives to each nation.
On Judgment Day, without excuse, for their explanation.
Leaders and the citizens, will one day, be judged.
All will answer for their life; with God, you cannot fudge.

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