Contents |
Overview |
Nothing New Under The Sun, Everything's The Same |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Based On Ecclesiastes 1:9
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
No one wants responsibility, to take the blame.
Everyone rejects the guilt for evil things they've done.
This applies to unsaved souls, each and every one.
3) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Many don't know how to blush, and they have no shame.
There is no fear of The Lord, there before their eyes.
All the Laws God has decreed, all of these despise.
4) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Most will not repent of sin, and call on Jesus' Name.
They love darkness more than light, and a life of sin.
Refusing there to repent, and be born again.
5) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Excuses on Judgment Day, before Christ, are lame.
For The Lord sees everything, motives, words, and thoughts.
On Judgment Day, everyone, will get what they have wrought.
6) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Many fall for Satan's lie, that life is just a game.
''There's no Heaven, Hell, or Judgment, after you there, die''.
But, after death, it is too late, to Christ, there to cry.
7) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Folks will sell their souls to Satan, for wealth, worldly fame.
Tomorrow promised to no one, this life, is soon past.
Only things done for The Lord, they will truly last.
8) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Gospel of Prosperity, it is yours to claim.
Any other Gospel there, besides in Scripture verse;
All those preaching this falsehood, surely are accursed.
9) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Charlatans go after folks, with fortunes, to maim.
Only to enrich themselves, in evil that they do.
No wonder Christ will say to these ''You, I never knew''.
10) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
All who die without The Lord, will face eternal flame.
First, the agony of Hell, and then The Lake Of Fire.
None of these believe on Christ; the one thing God requires.
11) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
After Adam and Eve sinned, worldwide judgment, came.
The curse of sin on planet Earth, the law of entropy.
Instead of life of paradise, it's all misery.
12) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
The unsaved are angered there, when Gospel Truth, proclaimed.
To these, The Preaching Of The Cross, is foolishness, and dumb.
But, Christ will not turn away, all those who humbly come.
13) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
On Judgment Day, all the unsaved, will loudly exclaim;
''No one warned me about this''; but their whole life, replayed.
They'll see they rejected Christ; their sins on full display.
14) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
They will say on Judgment Day, they were set up, framed.
Everything that they did life, will there, be revealed.
Whether done in open there, or it was concealed.
15) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
The unsaved are terrified, when Christ calls their name.
No guilt question, pardon, mercy, or appeal there.
At The Great White Throne Judgment, no one will be spared.
16) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Christ will not be meek and mild, and in no way, tame;
When He returns to Planet Earth, His enemies, destroyed.
Then, His Righteous Kingdom there, across the Earth, employed.
17) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
For The Lord, He does not change, He's always the same.
For it's His Creation, there, and it is His Rules.
Those who say ''There Is No God''; The Lord calls them ''Fools''.
18) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Toward the path of righteousness, no unsaved soul, will aim.
After death, eternity; most folks will not prepare.
None can say on Judgment Day, that God wasn't fair.
19) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
One day, Justice Will Be Done, as God's Word, proclaims.
Yet, God is a Gentleman, He'll give what they deserve.
For God grades upon The Cross, and not upon The Curve.
20) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
All who won't repent of sin, and call on Jesus' Name.
These will stand in terror there, at The Great White Throne.
Then cast into Lake Of Fire, as one He's never known.
21) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
They'll know why they are in Hell, and they're the one to blame.
Far more will reject The Lord, than those who will repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
22) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Salvation's plan has never changed, it is still the same.
The only path to Heaven there, is through Christ The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
23) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
For all other gospels preached, falsehood is their claim.
According to the Scriptures, Christ lived, died, and rose again.
And, He shed His Precious Blood to wash away all sin.
24) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
Many live a life of sin, they will be ashamed;
When The Lord returns to Earth, as thief in the night.
They'll wish they had forsaken sin, and instead, done right.
25) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
The Gospel is for all mankind, regardless of your name.
God's Standard is Perfection there; none on Earth can pay.
Except for Christ, The King Of Kings, The Truth, The Life, The Way.
26) Nothing new under the sun, everything's the same.
An appointment you will keep, when Christ calls your Name.
Either welcomed into Heaven, from Him on His Throne;
Or cast to The Lake Of Fire, as one He's never known.