Contents |
Overview |
Raptured Bodies Won't Be Found On That Appointed Day |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
For all who believed on Christ, salvation's only way.
No other name that's under Heaven, where one could be saved.
Only Christ, who lived, and died, and rose up from the grave.
3) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Not going through the motions there, but sincere when they pray.
Knowing they're a sinner there, they can't save their soul.
They repent, make Christ their Lord, and give Him all control.
4) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Faithfully, they served The Lord, each and every day.
Repented and believed on Christ, what God did require.
The only thing to save their soul from The Lake Of Fire.
5) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Knowing that Christ will hear them, every time they pray.
Though they have been born again, sin nature still exists.
When they repent, and there confess; they're restored to bliss.
6) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
''Where did all these people go??'', those left behind, will say.
''Aliens abducted them, they hindered all our plans''.
God sends these delusion there, they hated His Commands.
7) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Those left behind, they will be filled, with shock and dismay.
Restraint of evil is now gone, panic does set in.
Those left behind, preferred a life, full of evil sin.
8) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
For God is the Master Potter, saved souls are the clay;
With children under the age of accountability,
And the unborn in the womb, that only God can see.
9) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Closer by the second there, it is on the way.
When fullness of the Gentiles, has finally come in;
Seven years of Hell on Earth, will finally begin.
10) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Both dead and alive in Christ, on Earth, they won't stay.
The dead resurrected there, rocket to the sky.
Those alive will all be changed, in twinkling of an eye.
11) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
All possessions left behind, when he's gone away.
Vehicles, homes, bank accounts, and jobs left behind.
As these enter Heaven there, it will blow their mind.
12) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Many graves will be disturbed, tombstones broke away.
Medical devices, clothes, all fall to the ground.
No trace of their occupants, who are Heaven bound.
13) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
It will happen rapidly, no time there to pray.
In less than a second there, the Rapture will be done.
No saved souls are left behind, Christ takes every one.
14) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
''Well done, thou good and faithful servant'', Words The Lord will say.
Sin won't be considered there, at Bema Judgment Seat.
Forever with Christ in Heaven, redemption complete.
15) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
For those who hated Gospel Truth, in each and every way;
Rejoicing that ''the Jesus freaks'', have all disappeared.
These soon find that life on Earth is Hell for seven years.
16) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
All life's sin, its pain and tears, forever wiped away.
Reunion like no other there, upon Heaven's shore.
The redeemed are now with Christ, there forevermore.
17) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Family, friends, there witnessed to; but from Christ, turned away;
Memories of these lost souls, who were left behind;
The knowledge that these are not there, won't be brought to mind.
18) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
What God has for all the saved, earthly words can't say.
Eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard, or entered in man's heart;
The things God prepared for those, who've loved Him from the start.
19) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
The Wedding, Marriage Supper, there; all joy on display.
Christ, The Groom, with His Angels, gladly serve His Bride.
In His Love, He sought her there, and for her life, He died.
20) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
One day, Heaven and Earth gone; His Words won't pass away.
After tribulation there, to Earth, Christ returns.
And, all those opposing Him, eternally will burn.
21) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
The Antichrist, False Prophet, both; meet their doom that day.
Both cast to The Lake Of Fire, and Satan is bound;
Christ wins at Armageddon there, on that battleground.
22) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
All of these are with the Lord when He returns that day.
Along with Heaven's army there, all on white horses, ride.
Christ leads them to victory, on each and every side.
23) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
The Judgment of the sheep and goats; the goats are cast away.
But, the righteous sheep enter Millennium of Peace.
The curse of sin on planet Earth, finally released.
24) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
The ravaged Earth is now restored, on that glorious day.
With a rod of iron there, Christ will rule, and reign;
Life as it was meant to be, without evil pain.
25) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
With His Bride assisting Him, in rule of each day.
Earth restored to Paradise, as Eden's garden place;
For all who accepted Christ, and His Amazing Grace.
26) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
At end of Millennium, a last revolt, in play.
They are no match for The Lord, and His Awesome Power.
Fire falls from Heaven, and the rebels are devoured.
27) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Now into The Lake Of Fire, Satan cast, away.
All the unsaved, terrified, before The Great White Throne.
Too late for salvation there, eternal doom is known.
28) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
The Grace of God is over now, and it's too late to pray.
All unsaved are now compelled to bow before The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
29) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Only unrepentant souls, will be there, that day.
Since none of them believed on Christ, what God did require.
All will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.
30) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Everyone will face The Lord, in Judgment, one day.
Either at The Bema Seat, or The Great White Throne.
All will answer for their life, as each thing is shown.
31) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
At death, it is Christ, or you; your sin debt, to pay.
Your righteousness as filthy rags, you can't pay sins cost.
Without Christ, Heaven's denied; spiritually, you're lost.
32) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Tomorrow promised to no one, you could die today.
God gives grace to humbled souls; but He resists the proud.
The rapture so quickly done, where you can't join the crowd.
33) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
In less than a second there, event gone away.
Like missing departing train, you are left behind.
If you choose to reject Christ, be spiritually blind.
34) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
You are for, or against Christ; there is no shade of gray.
If you've not believed on Christ, you're already condemned.
Christ will be your Worst Nightmare, and not Forever Friend.
35) Raptured bodies won't be found on that apppointed day.
Eternally, today could be, the most important day.
Your eternal destiny depends upon your choice;
To accept, or there, reject; The Lord's Precious Voice.