I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who There, Strengthens Me<p>

I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who There, Strengthens Me

I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who There, Strengthens Me

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who There, Strengthens Me

I Can Do All Things Through Christ, Who There, Strengthens Me

Based on Philippians 4:13

Written By Daryl Stout

1) While living one's life on Earth, things are difficult.
It seems that doing good things, rarely the result.
But, for the true Christians there, this is plain to see.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

2) True Christians still have sin nature, even though they're saved.
They believe Christ lived and died, and rose up from the grave.
This truth they have for their life, and in eternity.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

3) Every Christian has a talent, or gift that God did give.
For them to share The Gospel Truth, as their life, they live.
Glorifying God in life, with godly works, to see.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

4) The Apostle Paul, who penned, much of New Testament.
It was to the Gentiles, The Gospel, he'd present.
In his life, both good and bad, joy and misery...
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

5) Against flesh and blood in life, we do not wrestle there.
It's a battle spiritually, that nothing can compare.
With the Armor Of The Lord, we get victory.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

6) All things in this Earthly life, one day, will be past.
Only which is done for Christ, these will truly last.
For the Godly Things will matter, for eternity.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

7) Christ, The Vine, we are the branches, in the things, there done.
For we can do nothing there, without Christ, God's Son.
For He shed His Precious Blood, on that Rugged Tree.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

8) He would take all mankind's sins, and die in their place.
To show all mankind His Love, with God's Amazing Grace.
On the Third Day, Christ arose, and sealed the victory.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

9) On The Cross Of Calvary, no greater love was shown.
When Christ shed His Precious Blood, for sins to atone.
Salvation's Gift Available, there so full and free.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

10) At The Bema Judgment Seat, there before The Lord.
Sin is not considered there, but gifts of reward.
Laying their crowns at His Feet, proclaim ''He Died For Me!!''.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

11) The words are so inadequate, just to say ''Thank You''.
We can never repay Christ, for what He did do.
The saved bow down and serve Him there, done so willingly.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

12) The suffering we endure in life, it does not compare;
With glory that awaits the saved, at Rapture in the air.
The redeemed now with The Lord, for all eternity.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

13) If anyone there be in Christ, they are a creature new.
Old things are now passed away; godly things in view.
Nothing's hidden from The Lord, all our lives, He'll see.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

14) While sin nature still exists, in this life on Earth;
The Holy Spirit now within, at moment of New Birth.
Our redemption safe, secure, for all eternity.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

15) God's Grace not license to sin, but license to serve.
For God grades upon The Cross, and not upon the curve.
When we sin, The Holy Spirit, convicts us quickly.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

16) While Christ's Blood cleansed all our sins, each and every one;
God is molding us into The Image Of His Son.
Though the Christian life on Earth, it is not easy.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

17) We trust The Lord in all our life; lean not to our own ways.
Acknowledge Him, and He'll direct, our life's Earthly days.
For He gave His Life for us, unconditionally.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

18) While fellowship is broken there, when we fall in sin.
When we there repent, confess; all sin is forgiven.
No condemnation for the saved, as Christ has set them free.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

19) It's appointed all to die, then judgment does await.
Hell or Heaven, for each soul, is their eternal fate.
Relationship and not religion, Christianity.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

20) Hell or Heaven, at your death, the places that exist.
If you die without The Lord, Heaven you'll have missed.
What you do with Christ, sets your eternal destiny.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

21) ''Believe On Christ, Whom God Did Send''; it's what He requires.
The only thing to save your soul, from The Lake Of Fire.
Not going through the motions there, but with sincerity.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

22) Yet, God is a Gentleman...He'll let you go your way.
At your death, it's Christ, or you; your sin debt, to pay.
Will you now repent of sin?? He's waiting, eagerly.
''I can do all things through Christ, who there, strengthens me''.

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