Contents |
Overview |
To Take The Mark, Or There, Die Lost; Heaven Is Denied |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) They think good deeds, church membership, keeping the commands.
Gets Heaven upon their death, from each and every land.
They take the destruction road, that is broad and wide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
3) They don't want to hear about repentance there from sin.
Nor about requirement, that all be born again.
Pressure comes from Satan there, on each and every side.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
4) They think God's just a Grandpa, a quiet teddy bear.
And, that He'll wink at their sin, as if He doesn't care.
But, they'll refuse The Free Love Gift, that He did provide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
5) God's Word declares that Judgment starts, in House Of The Lord.
For His Word is sharper any two edged sword.
In Heaven's Courtroom, every soul, one day, will be tried.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
6) After Rapture Of The Church, it will be Hell On Earth.
God's Wrath falling on those who, there refused New Birth.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, of judgments, they reach far and wide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
7) The Beast and False Prophet there, will require a Mark;
To buy, sell, work, or to get, benefits, embark.
All who do refuse the Mark, lockout is applied.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
8) Once one decides to take The Mark, eternal doom is sealed.
Now and for eternity, God's Wrath, on them, revealed.
No second chance, all these are damned, The Lake Of Fire, wide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
9) Believing remnant of Christians, as well as the Jews;
Taking of this deadly Mark, all these do refuse.
Beheading, the fate for many; how they will have died.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
10) The Time Of Jacob's Trouble; it's Hell for seven years.
Billions perish, or are killed; hearts fail the for fear.
The blood shed by billions there, it is a gruesome tide.
To take The Mark, or there; die lost; Heaven is denied.
11) To die lost or take The Mark, you can't choose again.
Eternally, you'll have to pay, the cost of all your sin.
You definitely will not part, part of Christ's Precious Bride.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
12) At least one chance is given there, to hear The Gospel Truth.
Whether you are old or young, as adult or youth.
Either with God, or with Satan; you must choose the side.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
13) Default at your death is Hell, if you reject Christ.
For the saved are not their own; but bought with a price.
In Heaven, after death, the saved, forever will abide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
14) The Book Of Life, does there exist, there in Heaven's Place.
The names within, are every soul, accepting of God's Grace.
Repented and accepted Christ; forsook their foolish pride.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
15) At Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ, only for the saved;
Believed on Christ, who lived and died, and rose up from the grave.
In The Book Of Life therein, the saved names, inside.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
16) If you spurned The Lord in life; your sin, you did flout.
Once you enter flames of Hell, there is no way out.
You'll see that you cast your lot, there with the wrong side.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
17) At Judgment Of The Great White Throne, gathered all the lost.
They will see that they cannot, pay their sin debt cost.
No excuses or defense, that they can provide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
18) ''We prophesied, cast demons out, did works in Your Name'';
All the lost, before The Lord; that defense, they claim.
Just going through the motions there, nothing good, inside.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
19) They unsaved are terrified, there before Christ's Throne.
All cast to The Lake Of Fire; ones' He's never known.
Nothing's hidden from The Lord; your sin, you can't hide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
20) Tomorrow promised to no one, at death, belief too late.
Without Christ, eternal torment, it will be your fate.
Far worse than a spanking there; when parents, would you, chide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
21) God wants none to die in sin, but all souls to repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
It's your choice to take, or spurn, what God did provide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
22) Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in one's heart;
Things God's prepared for all those, who've loved Him from the start.
These have eternal happiness, in Heaven, far and wide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
23) Yet, God is a Gentleman, He'll let you go your way.
At your death, it's Christ, or you; your sin debt, to pay.
God says ''Let them come to Me, all those on My Side''.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
24) Eagerly, or there compelled, all bow on their knees.
For the Precious Blood Of Christ, the sinners only pleas.
God gives Grace to humble souls; resists those in pride.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
25) Christ can be your Worst Nightmare; or Forever, Friend.
One of these, He'll be to you; when Earthly life, does end.
Heaven's Path is Narrow there; but Hell's path is wide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
26) Salvation's Gift available for Gentiles and the Jews.
Individually, each one; upon Christ, must choose.
Repent of sin, make Christ Your Lord; let Him come inside.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
27) Your decision honored there, for eternity.
While the saved all praise The Lord, ''He bled and died for me'';
The unsaved before The Lord, will be terrified.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
28) Everyone upon the Earth, has free will and choice.
To accept, or there, reject; The Lord's Precious Voice.
Hell or Heaven, it's your choice; on the eternal side.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
29) If you deny The Blood Christ Shed, on The Rugged Cross;
And that He did rise again, you're forever lost.
Without shedding Of The Blood, no cleansing to provide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
30) Hell Or Heaven, it's the choice, every soul must make.
Either total joy and bliss, or eternal fiery Lake.
Only these two options there, that God did provide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
31) For all who truly come to Christ, He won't turn them away.
For they place their faith on Him; their sin debt, to pay.
They know that all of their cares, with Christ, they can confide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.
32) No other Name, but Jesus, there; on how one can be saved.
Except for rejecting Him; all your sins, He forgave.
Will you repent, and come to Him?? His Arms are open wide.
To take The Mark, or there, die lost; Heaven is denied.