God Wanted A Family, So He Created Man<p>

God Wanted A Family, So He Created Man

God Wanted A Family, So He Created Man

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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God Wanted A Family, So He Created Man

God Wanted A Family, So He Created Man

Written By Daryl Stout

1) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Before foundation of the world, in Redemption's Plan.
Christ would come to Earth, and live, but without the sin.
Preached the need for repentance, to be born again.

2) God wanted a family, so He created man.
When Lucifer did there rebel, sin made its ugly stand.
Conned one third of angels there, against The Lord of Hosts.
It was a choice, eternally, they would regret the most.

3) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Lucifer declared five ''I Wills'', against The Lord's Hand.
Satan no match for The Lord; God made The Lake Of Fire.
And tormenting Pit Of Hell, there for sin's desire.

4) God wanted a family, so He created man.
A little lower than the angels, all part of His Plan.
But, with angels and mankind, God gave free will and choice.
Even though He knew many, would reject His Voice.

5) God wanted a family, so He created man.
From the dust there on the Earth, with His Almighty Hand.
Created in God's Image there, the start of human race.
Then, Eve created from Adam, in paradise filled space.

6) God wanted a family, so He created man.
But God did not step right there, in His Creation Plan.
While plants and animals came first, Adam gave their names.
All perfect before the fall, and there was no blame.

7) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Before the fall, it was a joy, to till the Earthen land.
No disease or sickness there, and death could not be found.
Nor weeds, thorns, or thistles there, growing from the ground.

8) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Eternal home in Heaven there, Satan's hordes, were banned.
So he set his target sights, on mankind to fall.
Adam and Eve, both there, fell; condemning us all.

9) God wanted a family, so He created man.
When realizing they had sinned, from God, they both, ran.
Blaming God for sending Eve, ''she caused me to sin''.
Yet, Eve there, she was deceived, into the transgression.

10) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Because of sin, from Eden's Home, both of them, were banned.
The curse of sin on planet Earth, the law of entropy.
Would plague mankind for many years, a life of misery.

12) God wanted a family, so He created man.
But soon, evil wickedness, got really out of hand.
Iniquity, it filled the Earth; grieved God at His Heart.
Decided He would send a flood, and get a brand new start.

13) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Of all the families on the Earth, there was just one man,
Who found grace in The Lord's Eyes, Noah, heart not dark.
He'd be commanded by The Lord, to there, build an Ark.

14) God wanted a family, so He created man.
The Ark would save them from the flood, that covered all the land.
For one hundred twenty years, he built the Ark, and warned.
But his preaching, it was met, by ridicule and scorn.

15) God wanted a family, so He created man.
The animals, they came by two's, all across the land.
With animals and Noah's family, all safe and on board.
Rain would start in seven days; The Lord closed the door.

16) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Flooding rain fell from the sky, and up from the land.
Water covered mountaintops, and all of the ground.
All who stayed outside the Ark, tragically, were drowned.

17) God wanted a family, so He created man.
For forty days and nights, rain fell, there at God's Command.
When it ended, all on board, would then disembark.
A rainbow in the clouds above, in sky above the Ark.

18) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Population on the Earth, started up again.
But, the evil in man's heart, did not go away.
The rebellion continues, right to our present day.

19) God wanted a family, so He created man.
A chosen people started there, when God called Abraham.
The Jews, a people for Himself, The Lord would call out;
To spread His Word to all the lands, near and all about.

20) God wanted a family, so He created man.
But, Abraham and Sarah there, had a different plan.
Deciding not to wait on God, he slept with Hagar, there.
Ishamel, not who God chose; but Isaac, He prepared.

21) God wanted a family, so He created man.
The nephew of Abraham, Lot wanted the best land.
But, he chose to live in Sodom, a wicked quagmire.
Only he and his two daughters, escaped Divine Fire.

22) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Persecuted by Pharoah, Jews in Egypt's land.
When Pharoah, would not there, let God's People go;
God sent ten plagues to the land, His Power, would show.

23) God wanted a family, so He created man.
After Passover, Jews freed, out of Pharoah's hand.
Pharoah pursued all the Jews, freed from captivity.
All of Pharoah's army drowned, there in The Red Sea.

24) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Moses up on Mount Sinai, to get The Ten Commands.
Etched in stone tablets, by The Finger of The Living God.
But, rebellious Jews would not, give all these, the nod.

25) God wanted a family, so He created man.
The Jews built a golden calf, ignoring God's Commands.
Moses said ''Who's On God's Side?? Let him come to me''.
Sadly, those did rebel, were in majority.

26) God wanted a family, so He created man.
For forty years, the Jews wandered, out of Promised Land.
Back and forth, belief, rebellion, to what God had said.
Judgment struck the unfaithful, many would be dead.

27) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Just believing remnant there, with The Lord, would stand.
The Jews rebelled and killed the prophets, that God did provide.
Expelled there from Israel, to nations far and wide.

28) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Finally, rebellion there, God had all He could stand.
Not speaking to the Jews there, for four hundred years.
Those who truly loved The Lord, wept with bitter tears.

29) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Now in fullness there of time, Christ came to Earthly land.
Not coming to destroy The Law, but each point, to fulfill.
It was on a Rugged Cross, He'd suffer and be killed.

30) God wanted a family, so He created man.
The only sinless life on Earth, in every nation, land.
He who knew no sin at all, took sins of mankind,
As if they were all His Own, actual or in mind.

31) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Satan thought that he had won, but he overplayed his hand.
When Christ cried there ''It Is Finished'', Redemptive Work was done.
Then when Christ did rise again, for all, the victory, won.

32) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Christ's Death and Resurrection, all part of God's Plan.
Without shedding of Blood there, no payment for sin.
And no way for anyone, to enter Gates Of Heaven.

33) God wanted a family, so He created man.
On the day of Pentecost, The Church Age there, began.
One was saved by Grace Through Faith, not of works to boast.
All who repented, came to Christ, cherish this the most.

34) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Soverign over His Creation, He will do His Plan.
But far more would refuse Christ, than those who would repent.
For the one thing God requires, ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.

35) God wanted a family, so He created man.
At The Rapture, for His Church, Christ would come again.
Both dead and alive in Christ, rocket to the sky.
All are changed for Heaven there, in twinkling of an eye.

36) God wanted a family, so He created man.
A reunion like no other there, saved from every land.
While rewards are gained and lost at Judgment Seat Of Christ.
The saved know, they're not their own, but bought with a price.

37) God wanted a family, so He created man.
The Time Of Jacob's Trouble, now to earthly land.
Life becomes a Hell On Earth, there for seven years.
Many killed, or they will die; hearts fail them for fear.

38) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Seals, trumpets, bowls, of judgment, on each nation land.
Many who come to The Lord, martyred by guillotine.
The Antichrist, Satan Incarnate, none was there, so mean.

39) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Twelve thousand Jews, from every tribe, sealed by God's Hand.
Two witnesses and then an angel, proclaim Gospel Truth.
One last chance for salvation, for adults and youth.

40) God wanted a family, so He created man.
''Take The Mark, To Buy Or Sell'', was the Beast's command.
All those who did take The Mark, Heaven is denied.
For these thought more of themselves, and their ego, pride.

41) God wanted a family, so He created man.
After Tribulation ends, Christ does make a stand.
At Armageddon, with A Word, His enemies are killed.
Ravaged Earth is now restored to Paradise there filled.

42) God wanted a family, so He created man.
The Judgment Of The Sheep And Goats, all before Christ, stand.
The goats cast off, the sheep into, Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth, is finally released.

43) God wanted a family, so He created man.
With rod of iron, Christ will rule, over every land.
Satan and his demons bound, for a thousand years.
At end of Millennium, rebellion reappears.

44) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Satan raises up an army, as big as the sea sand.
For he tries one last rebellion, in this final hour.
Fire falls from Heaven, and the evil souls devoured.

45) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Justice finally will be done, from God's Righteous Hand.
Unsaved, unrepentant souls, there before God's Throne.
Every sin they've ever done, now is there, made known.

46) God wanted a family, so He created man.
The unsaved wanted no part of God's Redemption Plan.
God, being a Gentleman, let them go their way.
For these, for eternity, their sin debt, they'll pay.

47) God wanted a family, so He created man.
Whether a young person there, woman, or a man;
Salvation's Gift, available, to Gentiles and Jews.
However, individually, every soul, must choose.

48) God wanted a family, so He created man.
God's Creation, and His Rules, with all His Commands.
God's Pardon Offer expires, upon your last breath.
It's too late to choose The Lord, a second after death.

49) God wanted a family, so He created man.
You can't ride the coattails, into Heaven's Land.
For God has no grandchildren, each one must decide.
To repent and accept Christ; or stay with sin and pride.

50) God wanted a family, so He created man.
If you choose to spurn The Lord, from Heaven, you are banned.
What you do with Christ sets your eternal destiny.
Hell or Heaven, nothing else, there for you, or me.

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