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Overview |
Mocking, Spurning Of The Lord, It Is Blasphemy |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Christ would be there, crucified, on a Rugged Tree.
And, rise again in victory, there on The Third Day.
The whole cost of man's sin debt, His Shed Blood, would pay.
3) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
While The Lord is patient there, His Wrath, all soon see.
Stored up for Millennia, as mankind rebels.
Most choose to reject The Lord, and end up in Hell.
4) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
As well as how one treats the Jews, in Genesis Twelve, Three.
God blesses those who bless the Jews; the others, He will curse.
For The Lord, He made The Rules, there in Scripture verse.
5) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Whether hidden or revealed, The Lord, does it, see.
At their Judgment before Christ, no guilt question, there.
Because of what they all did, Judgment won't be spared.
6) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Whether all His Miracles, or Life and Ministry.
Saying He was from the Devil, and His Deeds are fake.
They'll join Satan and his hordes, in The Fiery Lake.
7) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Denying the Virgin Birth, a true rarity.
Christ was like us in all ways, except without sin.
Preached the need there to repent, and be born again.
8) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Most said He was human, but denied Divinity.
Christ was truly God in Flesh, who had come to die.
And to show mankind The Truth, destroying Satan's lie.
9) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Wanting a man, a warrior; not in humility.
When Christ said ''I Am The Way, The Life, and The Truth''.
It offended many souls, both adult and youth.
10) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Christ hated by the leaders there, group of Pharisees.
And, contempt from Saducees, existed there as well.
Christ called all them ''vipers'', won't escape the fire of Hell.
11) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Christ chose twelve disciples there, in His Company.
But, one was a traitor there; Judas would betray.
Thirty pieces of silver, for his evil way.
12) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
The Last Supper, night before, He'd die on Calvary.
A New Covenant He'd Give, His Free Salvation Gift.
For those who'd believe on Him, sin's debt, He would lift.
13) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Those who took there elements, there unworthily.
Guilty of both Body, Blood, of Jesus Christ, The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.
14) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Christ then went alone to pray, in Gethsemane.
He who knew no sin at all, took our sins as His Own.
It was on that Cross, His Blood; for sins, would atone.
15) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Christ arrested, and was tried, there illegally.
Mocked, scourged, and then carried Cross, to be crucified.
Except for the repentant thief, all would Him, deride.
16) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
One thief cursed Christ; the other said ''Lord, Remember me''.
He saw Christ was innocent, this He did not deserve.
Seeing God Grades on The Cross, and not upon the curve.
17) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Just before The Lord did die, He shouted victory.
''It Is Finished'', His Mission, it was now complete.
His Resurrection guaranteed, Satan's full defeat.
18) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Bribing of the soldiers there, so death, they wouldn't see.
They said Christ's Body was stolen, He truly did not rise.
Yet, The Risen Lord, seen by, more than five hundred eyes.
19) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
The Church began on Pentecost, preached God's Grace, Full and Free.
Saul of Tarsus, was converted, on Damascus Way.
Apostle Paul, served The Lord, each and every day.
20) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
But false prophets, and churches, many, there would be.
Believing remnant, most martyred, persecuted there.
Yet there on the Rapture Day, they'll meet Christ in the air.
21) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Most say ''Christianity, it is not for me''.
Preferring a life of sin, and darkness more than light.
They would rather do evil, than be living right.
22) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
After Rapture, Antichrist, demanding loyalty.
''You must take My Mark, if you, want to buy or sell''.
These all sell their souls to Satan, damn themselves to Hell.
23) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
The one sin unforgiven there, for all eternity.
They hear The Gospel Truth, but they, refuse to repent.
For the one thing God requires ''Believe On Christ, He Sent''.
24) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
At Second Coming Of The Lord, all mankind, will see.
Too late to bow, and call Him Lord, He's the Conquering King.
The end of Satan's Kingdom there, The Lord, does there, bring.
25) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
His enemies turn to attack, there in futility.
With just a Word, The Lord does show, His Mighty, Awesome Power.
His Enemies fall dead, their bodies, by vultures, devoured.
26) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
The Antichrist, False Prophet, too, for their iniquity,
Cast into The Lake Of Fire, Satan chained, and bound.
For the next one thousand years, he won't be around.
27) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
The Judgment of The Sheep And Goats; there for all to see.
The sheep on Christ's Right, welcomed to, Millennium Of Peace.
The goats on Christ's Left, cast away; torment will not cease.
28) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
With rod of iron, Christ rules; and life, as it's meant to be.
Ravaged Earth was now restored, as there in Eden's Day.
Paradise for all mankind, in each and every way.
29) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Satan freed, raises an army, as sand of the sea.
But, none of them are any match, for God's Mighty Power.
Fire falls from the Heaven, and the evil souls, devoured.
30) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, all there, are guilty.
All their lives are now replayed, salvation is too late.
All see that The Lake Of Fire, is their eternal fate.
31) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Every deed in life, the good, and the iniquity.
Are shown with no guilt question, everything revealed.
Whether done in open there, or it was concealed.
32) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
No pardon, hint of appeal, or grant of mercy.
They see God will not be mocked, they reap what they have sown.
They see their chance to enter Heaven, it truly, was blown.
33) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Now compelled there By God's Truth, they bow on bended knee.
Confessing Jesus Christ is Lord, to God's Glory, there.
But, the joy of Heaven's space, none of these, will share.
34) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
These all tormented day and night, for all eternity.
All join Satan, Antichrist, and False Prophet, too...
In The Lake Of Fire there, no rest is in view.
35) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem, there for all to see.
Sin won't rise a second time, joy forevermore.
All the redeemed serve The Lord, there on Heaven's shore.
36) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
For God's Free Salvation Gift, it's shown to you, and me.
One is saved by Grace through Faith, not of works, to boast.
Those who choose to reject Christ, they will regret it most.
37) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
Blessings that await the saved, in eternity;
Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, or entered in one's heart,
Things God prepared for those who've loved Him, truly from the start.
38) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
All live forever after death, there in eternity.
Hell or Heaven, only two, places do exist.
If you choose to reject Christ, Heaven, you'll have missed.
39) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
If in this life, you choose to bow, before Christ, eagerly.
Confess with your mouth Christ is Lord, who died, rose from the grave;
By the Power of God's Word, eternally, you're saved.
40) Mocking, spurning of The Lord, it is blasphemy.
God asks ''Who is on My Side?? Let them come to Me''.
Salvation's Gift available to Gentiles and the Jews.
But each one must make the choice, of their free will, choose.