Satan Makes As Fiction What The Bible States As Fact<p>

Satan Makes As Fiction What The Bible States As Fact

Satan Makes As Fiction What The Bible States As Fact

Soar With Jesus


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This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.

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Satan Makes As Fiction What The Bible States As Fact

Satan Makes As Fiction What The Bible States As Fact

Written By Daryl Stout

1) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Disguising sin for what it is, he makes it to attract.
Like bees to nectar, and for flies to trash, garbage, refuse.
He doesn't want folks to repent, and to Christ, there choose.

2) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
In the lying words he says, he's vague and abstract.
For if folks knew his whole truth, they would run away.
Guile, lying, sin, deceit, in words he does say.

3) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Ridiculing saved and lost, not cutting any slack.
The lost feel Preaching Of The Cross, is foolishness, and dumb.
But, Christ will not turn away, all who sincerely come.

4) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Any spot of truthfulness, Satan wholly lacks.
Liar, killer, from the start, with prideful desire.
He wants all to burn with him, in The Lake Of Fire.

5) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
He doesn't say that evolution, is a lying hack.
For the universe and man, created by The Lord.
And, His Word is sharper than any two edged sword.

6) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
He knows that when one dies in sin, there is no turning back.
No second chance there after death, for souls to call on Christ.
Eternally for all the lost, they will pay a huge price.

7) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
For the huge weight of one's sins, upon them, is stacked.
Only Precious Blood Of Christ, can take that weight away.
At your death, it's Christ, or you...your sin debt to pay.

8) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
All miracles that God did do, God's Word, there, did track.
Satan as a roaring lion, looking to devour.
He wants to keep souls in sin, thinking they have power.

9) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
The sinless life there of The Lord, Satan could not crack.
Christ, who knew no sin at all, took our sins as His Own.
Crucified, then rose again; and now there by God's Throne.

10) Satan make as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
It sounds like he's complimentary; but stabs in the back.
For he's wanting all mankind, to there, forever burn.
And none to repent of sin, and to Christ, there turn.

11) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Wanting to derail mankind, there off the life track.
God has Satan on a leash; one day, He'll pull it in.
Satan damned eternally, with all who died in sin.

12) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
When it comes to what he does, he there, has no tact.
He knows the Bible better than a preacher, me, or you.
To sell your soul to him is what, he wants you to do.

13) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
So deluded and depraved, he can not turn back.
He thinks that He can beat The Lord, it's his full desire.
Ultimately, his goal is, to make God a liar.

14) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
With prophecy, the verdict is, against him there, is stacked.
He knows he and his demon hordes, in the end, will lose.
They can't be forgiven, there; a life of sin, they'd choose.

15) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Once the Rapture does occur, his evil plan, on track.
With him, the Beast, False Prophet, too; evil trinity.
For the Christians and the Jews, a life of misery.

16) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Under penalty of death, he wants folks to retract;
Of their belief and faith in Christ, what God does require.
If they do, eternity, it will be so dire.

17) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Killing Christians and the Jews, so Christ won't come back.
For it's remnant of the Jews, from Great Tribulation.
Who repent and call on Christ, from His Israel, Nation.

18) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
When The Lord returns to Earth, The planet, He'll take back;
That Satan stole from Adam, Eve, in the Garden Place.
When they fell from innocence, purity, and grace.

19) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Cast into the abyss now, his fate worse than the rack.
For Millennium Of Peace, Satan's forces, bound.
None of them can roam the Earth, on the restored ground.

20) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Freed after one thousand years, his old ways are back.
He raises up rebellious army, as sand of the sea.
All cast to the Lake Of Fire, for eternity.

21) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Now stripped of his power there; the truth, it is fact.
''The one who shook the kingdoms there'', is now just a shell.
He turned billions from The Lord, condemned into Hell.

22) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
From his five ''I Wills'' he said; he can not go back.
Along with one third of angels, he conned there in his coup.
Against The Lord, it failed quick, in what these did do.

23) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
The sins of all believers now, on to him, are packed.
He, his demons, unsaved souls, tormented day and night.
No contentment, happiness; constant pain and fright.

24) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
One thing he swore he'd never do, he's forced to retract.
Even though the Gospel Truth, all in Hell, ignored.
All there now, bow down, confess, Jesus Christ is Lord.

25) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
After final judgment there, he's never coming back.
For The Lord decreed that sin, won't rise a second time.
One choosing to reject The Lord, it's the eternal crime.

26) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
When someone believes on Christ, Satan's face is smacked.
Not going through the motions, but commitment, sincere.
A soul coming to The Lord, it's Satan's greatest fear.

27) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
All mankind, with sin nature, their hearts, evil, black.
Only Precious Blood of Christ, can wash all sins away.
At your death, it's Christ, or you; your sin debt to pay.

28) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
If he can get you to doubt God, your armor is cracked.
Satan says ''No Heaven, Hell, or Judgment, after death''.
But, too late to accept Christ, after your last breath.

29) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Like a train, a runaway, speeding on life's track.
Far more will reject The Lord, than those who repent.
The one thing God requires is ''Believe on Christ, He Sent''.

30) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Just one sin will damn your soul, you can't take it back.
God wants mankind to repent, and none to die in sin.
It's your choice to accept Christ, and to be born again.

31) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
His emotions against God, are extreme, and jacked.
Though he knows his doom is sealed, on that fateful day.
He wants none to come to Christ, and to Him, there pray.

32) Satan makes as Fiction what the Bible states as Fact.
Without Christ, your damned to Hell; but you can turn back.
If you repent, believe on Christ, before your life does end.
Christ can be your worst Nightmare; or your Forever Friend.

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