Contents |
Overview |
All Nations Forsake Israel, Before They See God's Hand |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Against Israel, all rebel, and take a hostile stand.
But, their armies are no match, to Power of The Lord.
For His Word is sharper than any two-edged sword.
3) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
The place of Israel upon Earth, the nations want it banned.
With Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, God made a covenant.
His promise was eternal there, the pact He did present.
4) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Creation came into existence, at His Word, command.
All creation sang For Joy, until sin did appear.
Before foundation of the world, redemptions plan was clear.
5) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
While The Lord, He made the rules, most feel they're too bland.
Mankind despises righteousness, and things that are good.
He would rather do evil, than deeds that he should.
6) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
When the lost hear Gospel Truth, to them, it's deadpanned.
To these, The Preaching Of The Cross, is foolishness and dumb.
But Christ will not turn away, all humbly come.
7) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Rebellion against The Lord, is what they demand.
Preferring darkness more than light, loving sins desire.
These will spend eternity, in The Lake of Fire.
8) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
God promised to lead the Jews into The Promised Land.
Yet, stiff necked, rebellious souls, from God, turned away.
Forty years in wandering, for unbelief, they'd pay.
9) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
The Lord has His Limits there, then He makes His Stand.
For the unrepentant souls, it is doomsday hour.
Panicked, trembling, in their fear; they see The Lord's Power.
10) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Seemingly outnumbered there, the Jews on every hand.
In the fullness of time there, God does intervene.
Jews enemies are horrified, when God's Power, seen.
11) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
John The Baptist, cried ''Repent!! God's Kingdom is at hand''.
But when Christ came on the scene, most there, did ignore.
He wasn't the Messiah that they were looking for.
12) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Christ came to die for everyone, in each and every land.
He would shed his Precious Blood, to wash away their sin.
In victory there, on the third day, He would rise again.
13) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
After rapture, massive armies, head toward Israel's Land.
The Russians, Muslims, others, too; are in for a surprise.
When The Lord does intervene, the horror in their eyes.
14) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Earthquakes, hailstones, and fire, fall at God's Command.
Of each six troops on the scene, five die on the spot.
They thought they could beat The Lord, but see they cannot.
15) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
The Jews see that they were saved, by God's Almighty Hand.
The Third Temple is rebuilt, therefore all the Jews.
But treaty with the Antichrist, they do not refuse.
16) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
The time of tribulation now, descends on every land.
Seals, trumpets, bowls of judgments, pummel all the Earth.
God's wrath against all those who, would there refuse New Birth.
17) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
The Beast defiles the Temple there, sacrifices banned.
One third of Jews, now flee to Petra, for their own safety.
God will protect all of them, from calamity.
18) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
The Beast and False Prophet, now, announce this command.
''Take The Mark for benefits, or to buy or sell''.
But, all who do, condemn themselves, to the fires of Hell.
19) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Billions die upon the Earth, in each and every land.
Christian's martyred by beheading; would not take The Mark.
Eternity, for saved and lost; the difference is so stark.
20) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
At Armageddon, the world's armies, make their final stand;
To kill all the remnant Jews, before they do repent.
The Jews believe, and call on Christ, The One God had sent.
21) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
All the tribes of Earth now mourn, from each and every land.
They see Christ coming back to Earth; realize it's too late.
Christ destroys them with a Word, damnation is their fate.
22) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Earth's rightful ruler has returned, with His firm Command.
The Judgment of the sheep and goats, ravaged Earth restored.
Millennium of Peace, with rule, from Jesus Christ The Lord.
23) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Satan and his demons bound, no longer make a stand.
Not since creation, life is now, as it was meant to be.
The Lord's Rule, fills all the Earth, that everyone can see.
24) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Israel does now possess all of The Promised Land.
From Euphrates River there, through Sea of Galilee.
The Jordan River, and the Mediterranean Sea.
25) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
At end of Millennium, one last rebellious stand.
Satan raises up an army there, as sand of the sea.
Destroyed by fire, their battle, was futility.
26) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
Satan to The Lake Of Fire, he's forever, damned.
All the unrepentant souls, now at The Great White Throne.
Their lives replayed, all sins they did, with guilt, will be shown.
27) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
They collapse from their sin debt, none of them, will stand.
None of these believed on Christ, what God did require.
They will spend eternity, in The Lake Of Fire.
28) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
New Heaven, Earth, Jerusalem; sin, forever banned.
For the saved, eternal joy, that their eyes, do see.
For the lost, it's torment, pain, for all eternity.
29) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
God's sovereign over all creation, all at His Command.
He has no pleasure in the souls, who choose to die in sin.
He wants all souls to repent, and be born again.
30) All nations forsake Israel, before they see God's Hand.
The Lord is a Gentleman, He won't force your hand;
On whether you believe in God, or from Him, turn away.
At your death, it's Christ or you; your sin debt, to pay.