Contents |
Overview |
God's Judgments Will Overpower What Satan Can Do |
This poem is from the ''My Testimony -- To Soar With Jesus Collection''. Written by Daryl Stout. (C) Copyright 1989, 2024 by Daryl Stout. All Rights Reserved. Any abuse or unauthorized usage of this poetry will be dealt With at The Judgment Before Jesus Christ. The ''Soar With Jesus'' Eagle Design was created and designed by Dale Larison, and it is used by permission.
Written By Daryl Stout
2) Ever since when Lucifer, in Heaven there, rebelled.
One third of angels joined him there, in the lie he'd sell.
Utter failure in the launch, of this evil coup.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
3) Hell and then The Lake Of Fire, created for all these.
Who'd engage in evil there, and doing what they please.
Adam then Eve, fell in sin; a curse on me and you.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
4) Before foundation of the world, Redemption's Plan in place.
Christ would come to die for all, showing of God's Grace.
''Believe On Christ, whom God did send'', what He wants all to do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
5) Satan as a roaring lion, looking to devour.
Yet, he's a created being, with limited power.
In battles against The Lord, Satan can't outdo.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
6) Satan's mission, liar, thief, to steal, kill destroy.
But, he's no match for The Lord, when Judgments, employed.
With sin, mankind bites off more, than he can fully chew.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
7) All mankind's thoughts, words, deeds, and their hearts, so dark.
Just animals and family, of Noah, in the Ark.
Forty days and nights of rain, flooding through and through.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
8) Sodom and Gomorrah, both, dens of iniquity.
Only Lot and his daughters, escaped calamity.
By Fire, both of these destroyed, as God said He'd do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
9) God called Abram and his family, there to leave their land;
To be a chosen people there, guided by God's Hand.
His descendants as the stars, in night sky, to view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
10) The chosen people God did call, would become the Jews.
Sadly, most of all these would, God's Commands, refuse.
Stiff necked, rebellious, these people, they were, through and through.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
11) When they obeyed and worshipped God, The Lord did, them protect.
But, when they chose to rebel, punishment was set.
Israel's enemies attacked, judgment was in view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
12) Time and time again, the Jews, rebelled, then did repent.
Then upon their enemies, God's Judgment was sent.
For all these, their sure defeat, it was in full view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
13) Four hundred years would then elapse, God didn't say a Word.
No matter how much the Jews prayed, nothing there was heard.
Until the birth of John The Baptist, did come into view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
14) In the fullness of time, there...Christ Jesus came to Earth.
In a manger, Virgin Born, a precious, lowly birth.
He came to pay the price of sin, it was for Him to do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
15) Satan tried to stop The Lord, before His Mission done.
From slaughter of the innocents, each and every one.
To temptation of The Lord, for a sin to do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
16) Christ preached for mankind to repent, and be born again.
He came as Passover Lamb, to die for mankind's sin.
To break sins vice on mankind's souls, that did stick as glue.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
17) Christ was scourged, then crucified, there in mankind's place.
He'd rise again in victory, showed God's Amazing Grace.
On God's Redemption Plan, Satan, did not have a clue.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
18) Then on the day of Pentecost, the Church Age began.
All who would believe on Christ, to pay for their sin.
The only way to Heaven there, it was in their view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
19) Countless Christians martyred there, because of their faith.
Eyewitnesses to His Majesty, and words that The Lord saith.
Serving God in every way, the least that they could do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
20) For those who truly did believe, Christ was Lord and Friend.
All these would be raptured there, when Church age did end.
Hell on Earth for seven years, now comes into view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
21) Seals, trumpets, bowls, of judgments, fall down from the sky.
Many souls would take The Mark, then curse God, and die.
Satan tried to kill the saved, Gentile and The Jew.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
22) While evil unrestrained, Satan, no match for The Lord.
For God's Word is shaper than any two edged sword.
All mankind a liar, there; but God's Word is true.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
23) Believing remnant of the Jews, one day, recognize.
Christ is their Messiah, there; all these realize.
They repent and call on Christ, the only thing to do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
24) ''All we like sheep, have gone astray'', they now take the blame.
''Blessed is He, who there comes, in The Lord's Name''.
Christ's Enemies are cut to shreds; nothing they can do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
25) Satan and his demons bound for a thousand years.
The enemies of Israel, now see their worst fears.
Christ takes all the Jews as His Own, peace is now in view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
26) The Judgment of the Sheep and Goats, Millennium Of Peace.
The curse of sin on Planet Earth is finally released.
Life as it was meant to be, paradise in view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
27) At end of Millennium, Satan is now free.
One last rebellion, before start, of eternity.
All destroyed by fire there; full judgment in view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
28) Satan and his demons cast, into The Lake Of Fire.
To join the Beast, False Prophet, too, for all sins desire.
Now shell of his former self, is what others view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
29) All on Earth, who died in sin, at life's final bell.
Lake Of Fire, will be theirs, after time in Hell.
They see eternal damnation, for them, is in view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
30) The Judgment Of The Great White Throne, a truly somber day.
The Grace Of God is over now, and it's too late to pray.
Lives of all lost souls reviewed, everything in view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
31) No guilt question, pardon, mercy, there, or hint of appeal.
Every sin all these have done, totally revealed.
No chance for salvation there, nothing they can do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
32) Refusing to bow eagerly, now they are compelled.
Hearkening to Satan's lies, and his deadly spell.
For a life of righteousness, none of these would do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
33) The lost hear terrifying words, from Christ on His Throne.
''Depart from Me, into the Fire; for you, I've never known''.
Eternal torment, day and night, forever in their view.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
34) To purify this Earthly place, so tainted with sin.
Set afire with fervent heat, created again.
Sin won't rise a second time, righteousness is true.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
35) Your eternal destiny, depends on who you choose.
Salvation available, for Gentiles and the Jews.
Hell or Heaven, it's your choice, on what you, there do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.
36) Satan a defeated foe, and all Christ's enemies.
Will you choose life of righteousness, or life of sin and sleaze??
Christ or Satan, it's your choice, on what there, to do.
God's Judgments will overpower what Satan will do.